3: Reo is uncomfortable and being unknowingly plotted against

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Y/N and Reo were sitting out in the student quad, trying to go along with their daily activities. However, these were proving to be more difficult than usual with the added "hand-holding".

"Do we have to hold hands?" Reo asked, after struggling to turn the page of his book as one of his hands held Y/N's.

"Yes," Y/N deadpanned, "Ness could walk past any minute!"

Reo sighed in response, realising he'd have to put up with it.

Meanwhile, beside them, Lei was panicking over her similarities with her mother considering one main problem: as soon as her mother got into a relationship her grades went down. And to Lei, that was the worst thing possible.

"Think Hana!" Lei exclaimed, "How am I meant to choose between Yoichi and cleverness?"

Throughout their discussion, Hana continued eating her snack in her hand, and she replied, "I have the same problem with ice cream. Cookie dough, or mint choc chip? It's impossible!"

Hana chuckled for a moment and turned to her bag once again to find another thing to eat.

As she did that, she turned over to see Y/N and Reo holding hands still, but mostly seeing Reo with Y/N's hand in one hand, and a book in the other; making it impossible for him to turn the page to the book he was reading.

Then, Reo tried using his tongue to turn the page of his book, failing and making a sour face.

Hana turned her head to Lei, "Do you think we should help those two out?"

Lei pondered for a moment, but replied, "No, it's fine. We should let them figure this out themselves."

Reo then put the book on his head, got a bottle of coconut water out to take its lid off, and very slowly took a sip with both a book on his head and the bottle's lid.

Lei continued her reflection on her problem, however, "There must be a way of going out with Yo and staying clever."

Hana hummed in agreement and said, "I'll put my thinking cap on."

"Yeah, me too."

Lei sat in thought while Hana went into her bag and put a hat on her head, with a lightbulb attached to the top of it.

"Oh!" Lei was shocked, "You actually have one of them..?"

Hana simply nodded and the two sat in quiet for a few seconds, looking forwards while they listened to the argument of their friends next to them.

"Y/N, this is intolerable," Reo announced, having spilt his drink over his trousers.

"What do you mean?" Y/N questioned, "People hold hands all the time."

"I don't!" Reo protested. "You know human contact makes me come out in a panic rash."

"Have you got a rash now?"

Reo examined his hands and raised an eyebrow, "No... that's weird."

Y/N went back to scrolling on her phone, her other hand still entwined with Reo's.

"I suppose I can hold hands with..." Reo said, looking to Y/N next to him, "...some people."

With the quiet now next to the two, Reo looked over to see Hana and Lei sitting still.

Hana took off her hat in defeat, "I think it's run out of batteries," and sighed.

Lei gasped in realisation, "Oh, I know! I just need to keep exercising my brain all the time that I'm with Yo, to keep it in good condition."

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