2: The break rooms a mess and Reo wants his boundaries back

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"And as soon as my mom got a boyfriend, her grades went downhill! You don't think that'll happen to me too now, do you?"

Lei and Hana were having their lunch in the break room in the school, indoors. Neither of them was keen on going outside, so this is what they stuck with. Meanwhile, Reo had gone to get a drink from the vending machine as the girls spoke, and it seemed Y/N was held behind somewhere as none of the three had run into her recently.

"No," Hana assured Lei, "You and your mother are nothing alike!"

Lei sighed in relief, "Yeah, that's what I thought." She paused for a moment to contemplate, "Although, I have started to like butter and jam sandwiches..."

"So? They're great!" Hana argued.

"I know, but they're my mom's favourite and before I used to be like, ugh, but now I like them!"

Hana shook her head dismissively, "Oh, well that's only one thing anyway."

"Yeah, it means nothing."

At the table behind, students from the other class were having their lunch as well.

Kunigami Rensuke, Chigiri Hyoma, and Igarashi Gurimu were sitting at the table and seemed to be doing their school work, while Gagamaru Gin was examining the seat to a chair nearby closely.

"Hey friends," Gagamaru announced, "I think I've discovered why they call this the break room," he said as he unattached the seat from the chair he was fiddling with, "This just broke!" and threw it to the floor loudly.

"Just when I thought this place couldn't get any messier," Chirigi sighed, as Kunigami beside him nodded in agreement.

"Tell me about it," Kunigami added, "I spent ages on this equation, and turns out x equals a squashed raisin," he pointed towards the raisin on his paper and rolled his eyes before flicking it onto the floor.

"Raisin!" Gagamaru yelled and threw himself onto the floor. 

Kunigami got some table cleaning spray from his school bag and sprayed it onto the table before him.

"Achoo!" Lei sneezed at the table in front. "Santé," she said, receiving a curious look from the table behind.

"Santé?" Chigiri repeated in confusion. 

"Oh, Lei always says that after she sneezes. It's French or something because she's part French and all." Hana clarified to the boy, to which he nodded and turned back to his own conversation.

"Do I?" Lei asked, with an unpleased expression. "But that's what my mom always says!"

In the meantime, Reo was rushing to get a coconut water from the school vending machine and pushed himself past Ness who was also just about to use the machine.

He smiled as he grabbed the coconut water from the slot successfully, as Ness sweatdropped at his quick actions.

"That's the last coconut water," Ness pointed out, "I was going to get that."

"Sorry Ness, I've got double physics," Reo explained, "And I need the amino acids for optimal brain function, you know how it is, right?"

"Fine," Ness deadpanned, "You take it. Take everything away from me, why don't you?" he rolled his eyes at Reo and grumpily walked away, leaving Reo rather confused.

"Butter and jam sandwiches? Santé? And my mom looked exactly like me when she was younger!" Lei seemed totally panicked at that point, "Hana it's true. I'm turning into my mom!"

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