Chapter Five-Jossica

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I walked through people the next day, looking for Joey. It was an hour or so before I found him.

"Joey!" I grabbed his arm."I am so sorry about Jack. He is not my boyfriend, he was just goofing off."

'Yeah, I know. He told me." He said.


'Yeah. He called me and said you were really ticked at him."

'Yeah i was." I told him.

"And, why exactly is that, Greyson?" He asked, smirking at me.

"'s just...he just...shut up." I said going to walk away. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back leaning down to my ear.

"What's the matter, Jess? Got a crush?"

"What's with all the teasing, Joey? Covering up a crush?" I asked, quoting the musical. This took him off guard, and we both burst out laughing. I picked his wig up off of the table and stood on my toes, putting it on backwards and over his eyes. "Get ready, Richter."


After another great performance, I stayed after, putting everything back in it's place.

"Jess?" I looked up to see Joey."What are you doing here so late?"

"My job. I have to make sure everything is in the right place."

'But don't you have class tomorrow?"

'Yeah, but this is for class's what I'm here for."I said, looking back down at what I was doing. I picked up a tie. Joey came and stood right next to me, taking the tie from me and setting it down. His hand came up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked up at him. He leaned down, and I leaned up. Our faces where centimeters away from each other, when we heard a loud bang. We turned to see Lauren and Joe standing behind us.

"What's goin' on?" Joe asked. Him and Lauren smirked at us.

"Nothing. I was reorganizing and now I'm done, so I'm gonna go. Night Joey. Lauren...Joe." I don't know what they said after that, but I think I vaguely heard Joe say"Get it, Richter." or something to that affect. I rolled my eyes and made my way out, climbing into my car.


I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. Twelve thirty.

'Crap, I'm late!" I got up and got ready in record time before sprinting across the campus. I ran into the classroom and took my seat next to Taylor.

"Glad you decided to join us, Jessica." The other students laughed."Would you like to tell us about your project."

"Well, um...I'm the stage manager for A Very Potter Musical, a spoof musical written by Nick Lang."

"I went and saw that." Some guy said."It was awesome." Soon the entire class started chattering.

"Ok, ok. Very nice, Jessica."


As soon as class was over, I headed to the theater. As soon as I walked in, everyone started making kissing noises at me.

"Ha, ha.Very funny. You guys are hilarious, really."

"So, when she would start calling you Mrs. Richter?" Lauren asked."Jossica! They're Jossica guys!"

"There is nothing going on between Joey and I." I told them.

"That's not what it looked like last night." Joe added.

"Yeah, ok. I'm in charge of all of you. GO! GET READY! " They all scattered off and twisted my hair into a braid. Joey approached me.

"Can you believe those guys. It's like, grow up."

"Yeah, totally." We stood awkwardly, neither of us looking at each other."You should go get ready."

"Yeah...yup..." He walked away and I sighed. I looked up to see Lauren smirking at me again.

"Shut up Lauren!"


"OUR LOVE, IS ALL WE NEED, TO MAKE IT THROUGH." They all took a bow and I applauded along with the audience.


Everyone left, and I was left alone in the theater, singing softly to myself.

"The way his hair falls in his eyes, makes me wonder if he'll, ever see through my disguise. And I'm under his spell. Everything is falling...and I don't know where to land. Everyone knows who he is, but they don't know who I am." Without noticing, I started singing even louder. "Harry, Harry, why can't you see. What you're doing, to me. I'VE SEEN YOU CONQUER CERTAIN DEATH! EVEN WHEN YOU'RE JUST STANDING THERE, YOU TAKE AWAY MY BREATH! And maybe, someday you'll hear my song and, understand, that all along there's something more, that I'm trying TO SAY! WHEN I SAY! Harry, Harry, why can't you see, what your doing, to me..." I jumped when I heard clapping. I looked up to see Joey at the top of the steps, watching. My face reddened and I looked down.

"You have got to stop sneaking up on me." I told him as he came up onto the stage.

"Jess, that was amazing." I shrugged.


"No, don't do that. You were incredible."

"I'm not really known for my singing."

"Well, let's see some acting then." He walked off stage and picked up a script, handing it to me. "Act two, scene one, I just left."

"Where you just talking to Ron?" I asked.

'Yeah, I was trying to tell him about Voldemort-"

'Well, did he say anything about me?"

"Uh, yeah, he said one or two things-"

"Was on of them an apology for how he treated me at the Yule ball?" I interrupted again.

'Yeah, I heard about that, listen, I don't know if you heard of a little something, I don't know Voldemort is back! Uh, Cedric Diggory is dead, Professor Querrl is crazy, and now I have to save the world, did you hear that Hermione."

"Actually, I have heard those things Harry, about a thousand times, but never have they been told to me with so much sass. Drop the attitude, Harry Potter. You are acting like Garfield, on a Monday."

'Well, don't you think I have a right to be a little stressed out?" Joey read.

"Well, no. No I don't! You know what, this is just like with the dragon. Ok? I stressed out, I told you to prepare, and yet you didn't do anything and you were fine. You know, you just played your little guitar, and I don't know what you're crying about Harry. This is just like when you defeated Voldemort when you were a baby."

"Come on, Hermione, you're the friend that's supposed to tell me to go to the library and try to figure it out."

'Well you know what Harry, I don't do that anymore." I started to walk past him, but Joey grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, pressing his lips against mine. He pulled away and looked at me.

"Well..." I flipped through the script. "That's not in here. Is there another story line we need to be discussing?" He took the script from me and put it down on the table.

"I don't there?"

A Very Starkid Story(A Joey Richter/Starkid fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now