The competition Begins

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Eloise's POV

" Hi, Ms.Abby! How are you?" I ask as soon as I walk in the door.

" Great sweetheart. Hi Chloe" Ms. Abby responds

She waves at all of us.

" Just go into the den until I call you guys," She tells us

I try to ignore the cameras and head to the den with Chloe, my mom, and Christi trailing behind me. 

We go into the dance room and sit on the floor. Ms. Abby is standing next to a chalkboard, with papers on it, in the shape of a pyramid.

" Alright, girls it's the first day of rehearsal for the new competition season. Ladies you all know why you are here. You are the cream of the crop in your age group. I have a lot of new ideas in store. I am going to do something no other studio in the country does. Every single competition we are doing a new routine" 

A new routine every week. I don't know if that is doable. I quickly look at my mom and Ms. Abby said.

"Don't look at your mothers. I am the coach. I am the teacher"

I guess that means that we have to work extra hard every week.

" I have a pyramid with  Nia, Mackenzie, Paige, and Brooke on the bottom row, Chloe 3rd, Maddie 2nd, and Eloise 1st. Elosie is very dedicated she is here 24 hours a week, 4 hours almost every day. You all should strive to be just as high as she is. " Abby tells us.

I don't like that very much cause Maddie and Chloe are her almost as much as I am. All of the girls are here almost every day, just cause their moms don't give them so many extra classes does not mean that they are not dedicated.

I raise my hand.

"Ms.Abby if we have to do a new routine every competition does that mean that we have to learn choreography on the bus? What if we fall?" I ask

Abby smiles.

"Smart questions, no we are not choreographing on the bus, we are doing it here and there will be no falling to prevent injuries, okay? Good moving on. Moms you are dismissed girls get to stretching.

Martha's POV 

" I don't really like the pyramid," Holly says.

" I agree, I don't like the ranking, I mean all of the children are here practically every day, there is really no need for any of the ranking," I reply.

" Why are you whining your kid is on the top" Kelly scoffs, without heat.

" I know but I don't want this to cause any friction between the girls or us. I mean not only are all of the girl's friends but we are too, and I want there to be a strength, especially if we have to deal with Abby." I tell her

All the moms nod with me and we sit in silence watching our children.

Interview with Eloise and Martha

" Hi my name is Martha, and this is mia stella ( my star) Eloise" 

" Hi, my name is Eloise I am 8 years old and I love dancing," I say to the camera.

My daughter is 98% of the time in the first place, very few times others have beaten her but it is rare" She tells the interviewers

" I love competing with my friends because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter which one of us wins we still celebrate with each other," I tell the people.

Eloise Ophelia Emery - James ALDCWhere stories live. Discover now