Interview and Aftermath

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Eloise's POV

The seats are so uncomfortable. Why do I have to do this?" I mumble to Mom.

*"Questo è per le interviste. Potrebbe creare confusione, ma devi guardare indietro a ciò che ti mostrano e rispondere nel presente, ok." She whispers.

I nod. I hope this will not take long," I just want to go home. It is Friday, we have to go to the library and you're making meatballs. I just don't want to take up too much time. I have things to do. " I tell her.

" So many things to do. Ophelia you are literally just going to the library, eating lunch, and reading that Percy Jackson book. That's not much more" She says with a smile

" Yeah I know but if we are late to the library then dinner will be late, then my nap will go over, then I will have to shorten my reading time just in time for me actually to go to bed," I whisper leaning in 

With a pat on my head, I turn and look at the people in front of us. There are producers, camera people, and make-up people. I don't know why they are here but okay.

A lady in jeans and a black shirt walks close, I cringe just a slight bit, she smells delightful (extremely sweet).

" Hi darling,my name is Mae I just want to make sure your wires are properly attached so we can have the recording, okay? Can I touch your body please" Mae questions?

" Sure. No problemo" I return with a slight smile. With a light touch on my shoulder and a slight adjustment to my dress. " You are ready" With a smile she turns and goes back to her station.

" So here is what's gonna happen Eloise and Martha." a cameraman tells us. For some reason the way he says my name irritates me. I know I shouldn't but I interrupt him.

" May you please call me Ophelia, or just Phelia?" I ask him with a smile.

It seems as if everyone stops talking, and looks at this guy, my mother opens her mouth to speak and he speaks loudly,

"Okay, then we will call you Ophelia, no problem" Wierd dude continues, " So Martha we will be asking questions behind the scenes, and both you and Eloise will-" Mom interrupts  him,

" You will call my daughter by her requested name if not this will all stop right now. Although she is a child she will be respected. I will not have some* Sciocco sconsiderato try to make my child feel inferior. Ophelia wants to be called Ophelia, that is the name all of you are to use, furthermore, that is what she will be referred to in this program. " 

Wow, I am so thankful. At least there should be no more arguments. The weird man nods with a very red face, '"I understand, sorry Ophelia, and Martha. So as I said just look back and answer the questions in present tense. I may need you to use some of the lines, but it should not be too long." Weird man speaks to us. 

We both watched the clip of Abby, shouting at us while we were dancing.

" Girls. How many times do I have to tell you to straighten the legs? Do it again.'" Wow her angle is very unflattering from this camera. 

"So Martha how do you feel when Abby shouts at the girls," Producer 1 asks

" I know that any coach shouts at their team, I mean if a coach does not shout is the team successful. That being said sometimes I think that she needs to remember that these are young children, young girls, and they are impressionable. However, I am not going to tell Abby Lee Miller how to do her job. I mean it is her name on the wall." My mother nods.

" And how do you feel Ophelia? When Ms.Abby shouts at you" Produce 1 repeats the question.

" Sometimes it scares me. I mean sometimes, her nostrils get very big and her eyes look kind of funny. I know she wants the best for us. Although sometimes I wish she did not shout."I look into the camera with a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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