Chapter 1 New Kid Part 1

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Be Careful what you wish for. Carabello D. Alex learned that the hard way when he was around the age of 8, he was obsessed with the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. He wished that he could be just like Aang, the main character, he wanted to be able to bend all elements. One day not too long after he made that wish he found a strange looking fruit, he was starving so he ate it.

After he ate it he gained the powers of the avatar. He showed people who he thought were his friends, but, they called him a freak and ran from him. All but one, her name is Nami, she's two years older, and one of the first friends Alex Made. But around the time they were 10, Arlong came to Orange Town and enslaved everyone there.

Alex tried to stop him with his new found powers, and he did but, it was only temporary, because the night he took him down he was captured. Not only was he captured, he was beaten, No on saw him for a while until Arlong came back and threw him to everyone. He was bloody, bruised, and worst of all, a chunk of his shoulder is gone.

After that Nami, not wanting anyone else to get hurt, after Bellmere's death, and Alex's near death experience, she joined the Arlong Pirates for 6 years. After those 6 years Nami came back along with some friends and they took down Arlong. Saving Orange town. Alex wanted to join Nami, but she and the rest of her crew left before he could make it. So over the next two years Alex had wished that he had a reason to leave the island.

This is where he learned the same lesson the hard way a second time. Alex made some new friends in the time that had passed. A girl named Sarah, and a guy named Jordan. Those two were his best friends, until the menace of the East Blue, Don Krieg attacked. He came to Orange Town and began to destroy it. Alex not wanting to have another Arlong Park incident, went to Don Krieg and Began to fight him.

Now, Alex and Don Kriegs fight lasted a while, mainly because Don Krieg couldn't hurt Alex, and Alex was doing little to No damage to Don Krieg, because of his Armor. But, in the final parts of his fight Don Krieg, was able to destroy Orange Town High School. Now many people died in the destruction of the school. Sarah and Jordan being the two Alex cared about most. When he saw this happen and heard Sarah and Jordan's pained screams something snapped inside of him. He entered what could only be described as the Avatar State.

In his new form Alex, went ape shit on Don Krieg killing him

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In his new form Alex, went ape shit on Don Krieg killing him. Alex no longer feeling safe in Orange Town left for the Grand Line to go to High School/University there. This is where our story begins.

[Location: Grand Line High]

[Time: 8:30 AM]

Alex docks in to the school seeing presumably the principal.

Alex docks in to the school seeing presumably the principal

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Alex: I guess that's the principal. Hopefully he's better than my last principal.

The male says to himself, as he walks off of his Dinghy.

???: Welcome to Grand Line High! My names Garp, and I'm your Vice Principal. You must be Carabello D. Alex!

Alex: Christ he's loud....

The male thought to himself.

Alex: Yeah. Ugh... I'm not gonna be hunted since I have the Will of D, right? Not many people know about it.

The older man just smiles and laughs.

Garp: Relax kid! You'll have that in common with a few students here! Like my granddaughters! Come on I'll show you to your classes!

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