Heading home/reunited with Anne/end credits

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*We cut to a few days later as we see Anne as she's sadly in her home doing the dishes, it's clear she hasn't been the same since Jon's death 

She soon hears a knock on the door, she opens the door and sees her wife Sasha and Lincoln*

Sasha: hey Boonchuy, I'm back 

*Anne in tears rushes to Sasha and embraces her* 

Anne: I'm sorry sash but Jon's-

Sasha: I know, he's gone.........but I found someone who can help fill the void from his death 

*Sasha turns to Lincoln and Anne sadly smiles and she embraces Lincoln as well* 

Anne: *concerned* what happen to his family? 

Sasha: they died when my ship crashed landed on a planet, he is all that's left of his family 

Anne: I'm so sorry for your loss 

Lincoln: don't be, I know they're in a better place.......besides I got a new family to raise me Mom 

Sasha: so what do you say Anne? Do you want to adopt? 

Anne: .......yes........

*Anne smiles at this and they embrace, as they embrace we leave Naladia behind as we zoom pass Marcy's ship and we zoom back to the solar system, passing Jupiter, Mars and finally 

We cut back to the planet as we see it's nothing more but a fiery hell hole*

*We cut to a massive montage as we see the planet recover*

[Hadaen Eon]


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