6. The Walls

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Rain had never felt like he was good enough. He felt like he didn't fit in. Whenever the other ghouls were partying, he was alone in his room. The water-ghoul always told himself that he was just introverted, but deep down he knew that he was lying to himself to make him feel better. He didn't want to admit to himself that he was socially anxious.

Dewdrop on the other hand, was the total opposite of him. The fire-ghoul played his guitar solos perfectly without missing one note. It was like his fingers were made to be playing guitar. The other ghouls showered him with compliments, they loved him. This made Rain feel even more like he was in the shadows. Dewdrop wasn't afraid to say anything either. No, he loved giving all of the ghouls different nicknames. He had named Phantom ''spirit boy'', and Swiss ''shimmy'', because it was his favorite dance move. Rain hated the name Dew had given him, ''dolphin boy'', because it felt like he was making fun of the way the water-ghoul swam. But he was too scared to tell him. And even if he did tell Dew that he'd preferred to just be called Rain, he wasn't sure that the fire ghoul would listen to him. Because he didn't listen to what anyone said, he didn't care what anyone thought of him. Rain wished he could be like Dew.

He wished he was free from the walls he built around himself. He dreamt about being able to party with the other ghouls. Hell, he'd do anything to go shopping with the ghouls like they did today before the show. But instead he was invisible. He was too scared to go to parties or the store, or anything else for that matter. His pillow in the tour bus was wet from his tears. He didn't know what was wrong with him. All he knew was that something was wrong with him. And he didn't know how to fix it. He had locked himself up in the walls that he built.

Tonight was just another night on tour. Rain didn't really like to be on tour. The people cheering for him and Papa and the other ghouls didn't know them. They didn't know that behind the mask, he was just a fuck up. During tours he always had countless of nightmares about things going wrong on stage. Not about the other ghouls or Papa doing something wrong, but about him failing. He preferred to stay safe, in his room in the church. Or in the lake nearby the church. Home was where he could swim for hours, or lock himself up in his room to read, because no one missed him anyway. Well, sometimes Dewdrop missed bullying him. He didn't know why Dew acted like this. Maybe he hated Rain as well, or maybe he was a bully to other ghouls too. Rain couldn't deny that he was an easy target.

Like every night, the show started by the spotlight being on Dewdrop, his shadow was largely displayed on the white curtain in front of them. Of course the spotlight had to be on him. Papa had asked each of the ghouls before the tour what they would like in the show. Mountain had said that he wanted his drums to be pretty high up on the stage. He enjoyed the view of the crowd of thousands of people. It just made Rain nervous. Cirrus wanted to get to the front of the stage to play her Mummy Dust keytar solo. She too, enjoyed it when the crowd went wild for her. Phantom thrusted his hips during Mummy Dust, making the people in the front row scream their lungs out. Rain couldn't deny that Mummy Dust did something to him as well, but he liked to keep it more subtle. Dew on the other hand, proudly touched himself and jerked the air off, before the confetti cannon went off. It made Rain feel frustrated knowing that Dew could be himself so easily. He despised Dew. Not because of who Dew was, but because he couldn't be him. The jealousy was almost too much to handle. He also wanted to be able to ask Papa to put a spotlight onto him. He wanted to feel comfortable with the spotlight on him. But he was happy to know that that wouldn't happen because he didn't ask for it.

But then, Aurora seemed to notice the quiet ghoul. He wished she didn't. He really didn't want anyone to see him. But she did, she noticed that he hadn't said a word the entire time. So she had asked Papa if he could put a red spotlight on Rain during Con Clavi Con Dio. Papa thought that it was an excellent idea of Aurora, and had asked Rain if he was alright with it. All of the ghouls had stared at him, so instead of saying ''no'', like he really wanted to, he quietly mumbled a ''yes, Papa''. Now he was stuck having to be in the spotlight during Con Clavi Con Dio for the entire tour. He felt so stupid for being too scared to say no.

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