Chapter 1: A Life Shattered

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the familiar path that led me home. My bag swung from my shoulder, heavy with my college books but a weight lifted from my shoulders and a smile on my face knowing this was the first time I was coming home as a college graduate, having completed my studies in English Literature and Mythology. Mom would be delighted to hear that I graduated with the highest grades in my classes, all the hard work and endless nights of studying having paid off. But as I approached the threshold of our welcoming cottage, an eerie stillness enveloped the air. Mom was not there to greet me on the porch like she did every single week, and dad was not shouting' 'Well Sport' from his study window with a cup of coffee in hand. A foreboding chill crawled up my spine, unsettling my very core. Something was very off. 

Pushing open the creaking door, I stepped into the dimly lit hallway, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Shadows danced upon the walls, whispering secrets of an unspoken tragedy. And then, as I turned the corner into the living room, my world shattered.

There, lying motionless on the cold hardwood floor, were the lifeless bodies of my beloved parents. Their eyes, once vibrant with love and laughter, now stared vacantly into the abyss. Tears welled in my eyes as I sank to my knees, My fiery red hear washed around my face as sobs wracked my body one after the other. I looked at their bodies finding no trace of struggle or injuries making me wonder what had transpired before these events. Quickly, I searched their pockets looking for any trace of information that may help me understand better. A rough piece of scrunched up paper roll in my father's breast pocket piqued my interest. I unfurled the paper roll with shaking hands and tears threatening to destroy the words before I had even read them 

It read a single line;

Scarlet, go to your Fairy Fort - Damon

Desperation clawed at my chest as I frantically searched every room, hoping to find answers, hoping to find Damon, my older brother. But he was nowhere to be found. Panic swirled inside me, threatening to pull me under. Where was he? Why had he abandoned us in this time of darkness? Had he left the note before Mom and Dad died?

In that moment of profound loss, a surge of determination overcame me. I knew I had to flee, to find sanctuary in the depths of the wilderness in the Fairy Fort as I called our forest home, far away from the haunting memories that lingered within these walls. Quickly, I ran to my room, emptying my book bag, replacing its contents with clothes and boots. I grabbed the family picture from my bedside table, tears once again spilling at the four smiling faces that stared back at me. Moms long red hair glowed in the sunlight only further enhancing her bright blue eyes, which smiled on her own. She was elegant and beautiful, holding a much younger version of herself in her arms. My face was like hers only younger and frozen, mid laugh showing a missing tooth. Dad in all his handsome glory was holding Damon, Their blond hair showing their likeness too. I shoved the photo into my bag, tears once again blurring my eyes. Lastly, I packed some food, knowing that the house wouldn't have any food since we had not stayed there since last summer. 

 With every step, the weight of grief and confusion pressed upon my shoulders, urging me forward. The forest enveloped me in its somber embrace as I trudged through the undergrowth, my steps heavy with grief. It had only been a few agonizing hours since my parents' tragic departure, and the pain in my chest refused to subside. I clung tightly to my fathers coat on my body, protecting me from the cold damp air of the forest.

The trees whispered softly, their mournful sighs echoing my sorrow. Each rustling leaf seemed to taunt me, a cruel reminder of the happiness that was now forever out of reach. Memories of laughter and love flooded my mind, fragments of a childhood filled with joy. But now, the silence of the forest echoed the hollowness in my heart.

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