chapter one: late starts and new friends.

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i was rudely woken up by alarm clock was ticking off the wall and i was feeling like nervous wreck because today was the first day of school. let me re phrase that. the first day go HIGH school. i rolled out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe. 

i found a plain black singlet and a red long sleeved flannel. i paired it with some shorts that didn't show my butt. i slipped on my vans and i went into the bathroom. i filled in my eyebrows because the stupid woman who waxed them made them so thin i look like i don't have any. i noticed the clock in the reflection of the mirror and my eyes widened. i had fifteen minutes to get to school. i couldn't walk in that about of time and mum would take to long to get ready and i know that the bus is on my street in five minutes so i better catch that.

i ran down the stairs putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and grabbed some hair ties. i saw my mum in the kitchen and handed her my drink bottle. 

"hey mum, can you make me one of those nutrients drink things. I'm going to be late if i stay for breakfast." i mumbled with my toothbrush hanging from my mouth while i struggled to get my hair up. "yeah sure honey. do you want me to drive you?" she asked from the kitchen. i finished brushing and spat out the toothpaste and walked into the kitchen. 

"no thanks mum, I'm going to catch the bus so maybe i can see who goes to the school.but thank you for the offer and the drink." i kissed her cheek before running into my room, slinging my bag over my shoulder and running down the street to the bus which just pulled into the bus stop. 

i reached the group of people piling onto the bus and as i got on the doors shut abruptly behind me. everyone took their seats while i slowly walked down the isle, nervously looking at all the people who i would be spending the next five years with. Just as i had thought. 

everyone one was in their own sections and groups. at the front of the bus were the smart and nerdy kids whose parents pack their lunch everyday and get picked on for it by the sporty kids who sat all over the bus, occasionally throwing a football across the bus. 

there were some people with their heads against the window with a lot of eyeliner, dark clothes and headphones wrapped around their necks blasting what i can only guess to be something by my chemical romance or fall out boy. at the very back were a group of girls with hair perfectly curled and lips that are re coated with lip gloss every two minutes. 

i stopped in the middle and sat on the only spare seat left. i swung my bag around so it was on my lap. i took a sip of my drink and looked at the person next to me. they were reading the school handbook and checking things off. they noticed me looking and they kinda looked scared.

 "oh, sorry for staring but are you just starting this year?" i asked quietly and he nodded. i swapped the hand my drink was on and held it out for him to shake which he did reluctantly but he managed a smile. "yeah, i am. eighth grade" i smiled widely at him and said "me too. I'm in eighth" his smile got bigger. 

"by the way. my name is summer. summer marie" "Im david. david escamilla but my friends just call me dave" i got comfortable in my seat and looked back at him. "you know, you look fine. you don't break any of the outfit guidelines so there is no need to keep checking over the rules." i laughed and he looked down embarrassed. "Thanks. I'm confused as to why you sat with me." he said and i raised my eyebrow at him. "oh, well this was the only seat left." i said confused.

"oh, usually someone like you would have sat with the popular girls down the back because i mean, you're way too pretty to sit with me." he nervously laughed. "well, i don't know what to say to that i mean, I'm just not one of those people who enjoy popularity. but seriously, i don't really think I'm that pretty but thank you anyway." i said with a bit of hair falling in my face as i looked down. 

"do you have any friends here?" he asked and i shook my head remembering how all of my friends going to different schools. "well, do you maybe want to hang out with me and my friends? i mean you don't have to but i-" "I would love to" i said and he smiled at me. the bus pulled up at the school and i could see everyone running around seeing their friends after the holidays.

"come on, lets go." i said and walked off the bus with david behind me. as i stepped off i took a deep breath in and scanned the school. it was massive. there were so many people. oh my gosh. "summer!" i was snapped out of my on coming anxiety attack by david waving for me to come over to him and what I'm guessing are his friends. i walked over and tucked my hair behind my ear as i stood next to david. 

"hi I'm summer marie" i waved and they all waved. "summer this is andrew or andy for short, hayden and brandon" i shook hands with andy and hayden and brandon just waved. "brandon doesn't talk much. he has a stutter" Hayden explained and i made an 'o' shape with my mouth. 

"shouldn't you be with the popular girls because, you're like, really pretty." i laughed at how that was what david said and now hayden says it. "well, i don't like that sort of crowd and i don't think I'm that pretty. also, from what i have seen so far, you guys are pretty awesome. i hope we can be great friends since i really don't have any." i said awkwardly. 

 the bell went off and the five of us looked at each other. "lets get to orientation so we can get a good seat and find out if we have any classes or form class together." i said excitedly and started walking fast towards the auditorium which i had seen from the bus. i could hear the guys laughing behind me and i probably look like an excited puppy. this year could actually go well. i feel like these guys and i are going to be great friends.

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