chapter five: late night, come home, work sucks, i know

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*time skip to the last day of eighth grade*

I can't believe its already the last day. this year has gone by so fast. The guys and i have made a strong friendship bond. stronger then i ever thought we would and brandon and tara have been together for the whole school year. i hope they stay together. they're too cute.

"come on sum. we have to get to gym class or mr james will send us to detention again" david yelled and laughed at the same time while pulling me along behind him. david and i hate sport the most and our coach always targets us and gets in trouble for every tiny thing. we arrived on the field and saw everyone running laps around the oval. we were going to join in so we didn't look like we were late but mr james spotted us and blew the whistle at us.

he marched over to us and handed us a blue piece of paper with detention typed across the top. "thanks sir." david said sarcastically and he blew the whistle again. handing both of us another slip of paper for a weeks worth of detention. "sir, if you haven't noticed. this is the last day of school, so you can't give us detention for a week." i said to him sassily and he looked like he was filled with so much rage.

"Go to detention. NOW!" he barked at us and we ran off into the detention block which no one ever went into because everyone would just ditch but me being the goody two shoes, didn't want to get in anymore trouble. "come on summer, i can tell you don't want to ditch detention. thats why I'm staying with you." david said calmly and i looked at him like he was crazy.

"we can just hang out since there inst actually a teacher in there" he said again and i nodded, following him into the detention room. he took a seat at the back and we just sa on the desks opposite each other.

"im glad i was late on the first day of school." i said with a sigh. thinking about how differen my year would have been if i hadn't been late. "why are you glad you were late?" david questioned with a raised eyebrow, completely oblivious to what happened the first day. "i sat next to you on the bus you moron. if i had never sat next to you, i wouldn't have met you and without you i probably would have never met the guys. i would probably be friends with heidi, carla and ash." i explained and his mouth went into an 'o' shape.

"well, same to you. i would probably be this anxiety filled stress ball if you didn't re assure me about my appearance on the bus" he said back and i nodded, knowing the feeling.

"quick question." david said and i replied "shoot" "okay well, do you like andy?" he said really nervously and he looked sad as he waited for my answer. "of course i like andy." his face fell "but only as a friend. why is that?" i asked and he looked hopeful? "this guy i know has had a crush on you for a while but he didn't want to say anything because he thought you liked andy." he stuttered.

"oh, well, its the last day of school and i don't really want to get into a relationship with someone i don't know." i said, hoping that was an answer he was okay with. i didn't want to hurt this guys feeling when dave tells him. i don't like rejecting people but i don't want any of that in my life right now.

Its sucks how we have detention last thing on the last day. at least its better then gym.

"do you know what you want to do when leave school?" i asked david and he shrugged. "i have no idea since i haven't really thought about it much. but if i had to do something. i would probably be in a band. i don't know" he said sighing.

"what would you play in the band?" i asked and he gave me a nervous laugh. "well, i would probably sing and play guitar." he scratched the back of his neck while i just stared at him in shock. "i didn't know you could sing or play guitar." i said shoving his shoulder and he shrugged once again.

"well, i have been singing since i was little and I'm working on screaming. if i was in a band it would be a heavy band but not too heavy. i think it would be cool to have a singer and a screamer in the band so i wouldn't strain my voice." he explained and i was so excited by this. "so, what have you got planned for the holidays" he asked me and to be honest i didn't really know.

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