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{Oneshot one}

{You had gotten an alarm, from Miguel O'Hara on your spider watch, a mini version of him popped up, it spoke}

{"All stations, drop what you're doing, and stop Spider-Man."}

{ it was in a clear loud menacing voice, you looked around you, and all the other spider people just started pointing at each other, saying "you? me? Him? Wait you?", it was actually quite funny at the moment, then Miguel spoke again}

{"Aye, Coño... Miles! Miles Morales! He's entering sector 4!"}

{I sighed, knowing I was nowhere near sector 4, So obviously I then began to run towards sector 4, obviously as i was told, as I was running I saw a boy being chased by multiple if not hundreds of other spider people, I thought ''well that's probably that Miles guy'', obviously I began chasing him as well.}

{Well after a while, I kept chasing him, until... I hit my head with a metal bar, falling backwards, as I fell backwards I felt my body hit something, hard? Metal? Not quite sure, but...}


{I look back at the thing that I hit... it was peni's mech.}

{I quickly get off her mech, she opens her hatch, she was rubbing her head, in pain? She spoke in an annoyed voice}

{"What the... ugh.. What the hell is wrong with yo-"} 

{she then realized it was me, all the anger, stress, every negative emotion that was plastered on her face just melted off}

{oh..oh! {READER}! Sorry I didn't realize it was you...}

{she did a nervous giggle, she then looks back at her mech, she sighs heavily, her hatch had a crack on it, in my mind the only thing that I was thinking was ''damn, I'm heavy'', she turned back to me crossing her arms} 

{"you broke it, you have to pay me for repairs!"}

{She says in an annoyed voice, I scratch the back of my head, I do a nervous giggle, I inch away slowly, I then turn around, I then run away rapidly}

{"you son of a-"}

{she said, in an angry tone, she began running after me, extremely, QUICKLY.}

{I then trip and fall on my face, she catches up to me, I look back, her face looks terrifying.}

{"got you now...."}

{she said in the most menacing tone, staring at me like I pissed on her carpet... she then grabbed my leg, dragging me by it, dragging me back to her mech, I tried grabbing any item around to prevent her from grabbing me, I was screaming like a child throwing a tantrum..}




{A minute later she had one of her arms extended towards me, as if she was preparing to grab something.. I had the most depressed dramatic face, I grab money out of my pocket, I then give it her, I stuff it into her hands, visibly pouting}




{"Im sorry..}

{I said softly}




{"Don't worry I still love you..."}

{Peni said, a small blush appearing on her face, a small pout, as she stuffed her pockets with the money I gave her..}




{"I love you too peni.."}

YAY, FINALLY FINISHED THIS! Took me a good hour to properly think of the plot! I really tried to make it make sense I guess, I thought that it would be nice to finally post something, so uh, yeah, oh, and "Coño" means "C*nt", thought it would be fun to explain this! (And means hoe, I think)

Time: 2:19 AM

Wednesday, Jul 5

NEXT: Peni Parker x Fem Reader Angst}}

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