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{Days like these always start so normal.. don't they?}

{Here I was, walking down the street like normal.}

{Of course it was night time, but I needed to buy my groceries.}

{but still, I'm young, so it was dangerous in a way...}

{I walked down the street, but there was a shortcut that took an alleyway, so might as well, right?}

{I slowly stepped into the dim alleyway, taking in all my surroundings.}

{I heard a squelch below my feet, I looked down and I noticed I stepped on some wet garbage.}

{I gagged as I wiped my shoe on the cement, and I continued walking.}

{I walked, and walked, it was going well so far.}

{Well, that was until I heard a whistle coming from the dark shadow part of the alleyway.}

{I was about to look behind me, hear where the sound came from at least, before my mouth was covered by a hand.}

{My eyes widened in panic, as I squirmed, my eyes adjusting a bit more to the dim light from the alleyway, I notice a man come in front of me.}

{The man was licking his lips like a pervert. He slowly reached his hands towards me, and began trying to remove my clothing.}

{My screams were only muffled, but I tried being as loud as I possibly could.}

{I panicked, terrified that I'd never see anyone ever again, that I'd never see my friends or family again.}

{At least that WAS until the guy trying to remove my clothing was shoved down by the back of the head by something.}

{I saw two shining eyes with a happy face, before turning into an angry face.}

{The guy holding me, let go of me, and took a good few steps back. He looked back and began running away. The figure began moving, which was, a mech?}

{I was more confused and concerned than I already was. The mech then grabbed the man, and tossed him with the other man, in other terms, knocked him out.}

{The mech looked at me, I took a step back, but the mech didn't seem to want to harm me, instead it began leaving, jumping from place to place like a spider.}

{I followed the mech, my eyes never leaving its glowing eyes.}

{"Wait! Please! Let me thank you!"}

{I called out to the mech. It stopped, and paused. It was hanging upside down from the apartment emergency side stairwell.}

{I looked at the mech, my eyes wide as I looked at it, I took a step closer to it, I slowly grabbed the mech's metallic hands.}

{"Please.. let me know who you are..."}

{The mech slowly and gently opened up the entrance, revealing a female, upside down in the mech.}

{My face flushed gently, as I reached out and grabbed her face, as I slowly got closer.}

{"Please.. just let me know who you are! let me thank you.. you.. saved me..?"}

{I slowly leaned in closer, the female didn't seem to resist, she shook her head and denied telling her name.}

{We both leaned in, and we gave a gentle peck to each other's lips. A quick one.}

{I took a step back, as the mech's entrance closed shut. The mech began hopping away.}

{But before the mech fully leave, the moonlight shined against the mech, as it did an ironic 'call me' hand sign, as the mech door slightly opened and a small piece of paper fell down onto the ground.}

{I picked up the paper, as I saw her phone number. I snorted before I bursted out laughing.}

{I shoved the paper into my pocket as I walked home.}

{when I arrived home I had a stupid loving smile on my face, shutting the door.}

{My mother looked over at me, raising her eyebrow}

{"Did you get the groceries I asked you for..?"}

{My mother asked, I paused for a long while, before I gasped}


{I ran out the house again.}

WORDS: 627

TIME: 11:50


This took a while! Hiii! Didn't expect this randomly huh? Well after rewatching the first Spiderman movie, I decided to use the Mary Jane and Peter Parker iconic kiss scene to make this little silly chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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