one - caramel macchiato

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The blonde smiled brightly as if there were stars in his eyes. "Yeah! I really can't help but think it's such a wonderful feeling!"

"Yongbok-ssi, just what kind of manga did you read this time?" The fox-eyed male questioned, flicking the blonde's forehead lightly.

"Hm, what was it again..." He muttered as he try to recall the title. With a smile, he replied, "I forgot!" Both his friends were left to sigh at their helpless friend. "Oh come on, don't give me that look! Realistically speaking, didn't you ever dream of being married? Ever?!"

"I don't have time to think about that. More importantly, shouldn't you be studying for our upcoming exams already?"

"Oh, Jeongin, you are such a bitter person as usual," Felix sulked. "How about you, Ji?"

"Hm, I've never thought of it." Jisung hummed quietly. "Other than marriage, I only thought about making connections with people."

Felix snorted, "That makes it sound Ji is such a playboy."

"Technically he is, right? He's been to a lot of relationships already." Jeongin teased.

Jisung rolled his eyes, "Being into a lot of relationships does not exactly mean I'm a playboy. It just happened that my past relationships did not click. Besides, I'm not particularly looking for a life partner in particular. As I always say—"

"Live in the moment," Felix and Jeongin interrupted, finishing Jisung's statement.

"Well, I guess Han Jisung remains to be Han Jisung, after all," Felix commented.

"I'll take that as a compliment." 

"Oh right, we plan to watch a movie later after class, do you wanna join Ji?" Felix questioned as he took a bite from his muffin.

"I'll pass, I have work after this," Jisung declined.

"Jisung is really a hard worker as expected, unlike someone else who never shuts up about his manga books," Jeongin commented, Felix getting affected by his words.

Jisung gently patted his hand on Jeongin's head, "That's Jisung-hyung for you, young boy. Also, I'm not that of a hard worker you think. I'm just doing anything I can for me and my dad. Besides, my job is pretty decent and chill, just casually serving people their coffees."

"I envy you, Ji. You're living your life in a carefree way. Yet here I am, stuck with my manga and my own fantasies. I don't even know what direction will my life go to." Felix told him.

Jisung smiled at him, "That's exactly why I'm having this carefree life because I have no idea what's ahead of me. But rather than overthinking the future, why not just live in the present right? If we keep on worrying about our future, we'll never really achieve a meaningful life."

Felix and Jeongin stared at him as if they were amazed at what Jisung had just said. "You're unexpectedly good with your way of words, hyung."

Jisung chuckled, "I mean, it's the truth. As you continue to ponder on the future ahead of you, you won't even notice how much time has already passed, how much 'future' times you have gone ahead, and you'll come to realize how much time has been wasted for your precious youth, and that it's already too late to turn back time."

"Ji, you're so amazing! Maybe I should get a job too!"

"Then you're gonna need to work ten times harder for you to be accepted," Jeongin teased.

"Innie, you're so mean!"

* * * * *

"I'm home—er..." Jisung pinched his nose as he smelled the stench of the alcohol. Furrowing his brows, he went to the kitchen and saw his dad almost knocked out from the bottles of alcohol scattered on the table. "Dad! You drank again?! How many times do I have to tell you that too much alcohol is not good for your health?!"

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