two - an important person

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He looked at the customer in disbelief and wanted to get angry but he could not, since it's his job to serve his customers. He immediately grab tissues and handed them to the coughing customer.

"Are you okay, sir?"

The customer took the tissues and wiped his mouth. As soon as he set his eyes on Jisung, he realized what he had just done. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. It's just that the drink—" He stopped midway through his sentence as if he hesitated to finish his words. "It's nothing, I just choked on the drink unexpectedly, I'm sorry for, er..."

Jisung felt a hand on his shoulder. As he looked behind, a co-worker was smiling at him, "I'll take it from here. You take care of yourself first."

* * * * *

"Ugh, talk about a bad day," Jisung groaned as he washes his drenched clothes outside in the back of the coffee shop.

He suddenly heard a laugh nearby. As he turned his head in the direction of the sound, he saw the customer who spat on him laughing on the side.

"So this is where you were."

Losing his cool, Jisung frowned at him. "Hey, you. After spatting on me and making me go through this trouble, you even have the time to laugh at me?!"

The guy continued to laugh as if he was mocking Jisung. "S-sorry, it's just so funny."

"I am not fooling around here, mister."

As the guy finally managed to cool down from laughing, he walked toward Jisung, handing him the drink he served to him earlier. "Take a sip."

Jisung raised a brow at him, "Huh?! What are you trying to do?"

"Just do it," The latter insisted, making Jisung take a sip, then suddenly spitting it out immediately as he coughed.

"W-what is this?! Why does it taste so salty?!"

The latter burst out laughing again, making Jisung realize what he had just done. He was too spaced out earlier that he added some salt to his customer's drink.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," He apologized, bowing his head as he felt embarrassed.

Yet the latter kept laughing, making Jisung annoyed again. "C-can you stop laughing already?!"

"It is funny!"

Clenching his fist, he heaved a sigh as he calmed his nerves, "Why did you cover it up?"

"Hm, if I don't, you'd probably look so pitiful, right?" The guy teased.

Jisung's brow twitched, eyes glaring at the latter, "I don't need your pity, mister." Sighing, he looked away from him. "Well, thanks for covering it up, I guess. I probably would've been fired."

"You are very much welcome," The latter replied with a smile. Suddenly, he took Jisung's hand and put something in it. "Consider it as my compensation treat for dirtying your clothes." Before Jisung could even react, the guy was already walking away from him.

As Jisung opened his hand, he was rather in disbelief as he saw a lollipop. "That man—he's treating me like a fucking kid!"

* * * * *

Now that Jisung's shift was done, it was time for him to meet up with this so-called 'important person' his father asked him to meet.

He arrived at the meeting place on time, they were scheduled to meet at a restaurant, yet he was rather surprised at how fancy the restaurant was for a mere meetup. However, it was only his father who was at the table, no signs of any other person.

"Jisung! Thank god you did not ditch me."

Jisung rolled his eyes, "So, where is this important person?"

"Well... he hasn't arrived yet, as you can see."

Jisung sighed, "You call him an important person yet he can't even comply to the meeting time? He must certainly be an arrogant guy if that's the case."

"Jisung-ah, it's not that. He's just really a busy person."

"I don't care if he's a busy person. I believe someone who can't even follow a simple thing such as complying with the agreed time cannot be considered a respectable person. If he's not coming, then I might as well be leaving." Jisung retorted as he started to walk out.

"I'm sorry for being late." Jisung stopped as he heard a rather familiar voice. As he looked up, he was surprised to see who was right in front of him.

"Oh, wow. I did not expect to meet you here again."

"Mr. Lee! Don't worry about it, my son just got here as well." Jisung's father reassured.

"Huh, so you are the important person my father was talking about," Jisung uttered as he crossed his arms.

The guy tilted his head in confusion, "Important person?" He then chuckled, "Oh, I see. I apologize, it seems like your father thought of me too highly," He continued. "Well, for now, why don't we have dinner first?"

Soon, they were seated at the table with their dinner in front of them. However, Jisung was not pleased with the current situation. Rather, he was pissed that he had to waste his time on someone like him.

"But still, I did not expect that you turn out to be the son of the Han family. What a coincidence, don't you think?"

"Forgive me for interrupting, Mr. Lee, but have you met my son before?" Jisung's father questioned.

"Well, yeah. Just earlier, I met him in a cafe he was apparently working in. It was a rather interesting encounter, I just wanted a normal macchiato yet he got me—"

"I'm going straight to the point," Jisung interrupted, "who exactly are you and why am I required to spend my precious free time with you at this certain moment?"

The latter took a glance at his father's direction, "Mr. Han, does he not..."

Jisung's father shook his head, "I could not find the right time to tell him."

The guy just smiled in return and turned to Jisung once again. "Well then, let me introduce myself properly." He stood from his seat, and went in front of Jisung, confusing him.

"What are you..."

To Jisung's surprise, the latter knelt down in front of him. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Han Jisung. My name is Lee Minho," He took Jisung's hand and planted a kiss on it.

"...your future husband."

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