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The party was in full swing despite me and Chris's girl getting into it.

I did my best to stay away from Tonio but that wasn't too hard considering he had an attitude with me.

"I was against it at first but your brother really do be throwing the best kick backs." Bre slurred, resting her head on my shoulder.

I was more sober than earlier but I was trying to get my buzz back.

"I'm surprised you know what you doing on this grill." I told Chinx before chugging my drink back.

He chuckled and continued flipping the burgers.

"I did my shit huh?" He smirked closing the lid of my grill.

"It's ight." I told him.

He waved me off. "You know it was delicious, best burgers you ever had." He boasted.

I rolled my eyes and nodded to the music.

"Y'all good?" Jayla asked us, walking up with a bottle of 1942.

"Bitch we good is you good?" Bre slurred holding out her cup.

"Hoe calm down." She gasped.

Chuckling I took her cup from her as Jay poured our refills.

"How many bottles is left?" I asked her, ignoring the burning sensation sliding down my throat.

"Too fucking much. They keep bringing in more shit." She shook her head.

We moved away from the grill and started dancing again.

Some of the other females around joined us but we weren't paying them any mind.

Hands on my knees, shakin' ass, on my thot shit

Post me a pic, finna make me a profit

When the liquor hit, then a bitch get toxic

We all grinded and twerked against each other.

I felt somebody tapping on my shoulder so I stood up and turned around.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" Chris asked.

I nodded and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, helping me walk straight.

"What's up?" I asked as he sat me down on the patio chairs.

"I just wanted to say my bad for Asia-" I cut him off.

"I'm not stunting that. It's the past now." I told him resting back.

He nodded and sighed.

"I did mention you to her though so she wasn't wrong about that." He admitted.

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