chapter 6

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Ruluia pov

I got a good buzz going on from me drinking Captain Morgain and Blunts which I pre-rolled because I didn't wanna roll later when I drunk later on.

I have been thinking about how my mom is kicking me out. I feel released of stressed, any other time I would be stressed out trying to find what is my next move. nowhere to go so I will be homeless because I have no other family that would take me in so I'm going be alone in the streets. 

but anyway I returned to the anime show I was watching i love watching anime. the current one I'm watching is my happy marriage. the thing with anime it is like listening to music each got a vibe and this show reminds me of Fruits Basket they both have that cozy feeling and just love that feeling the main reason is don't have that cozy feeling in my life.

I look at my phone and see Nino name flash across the screen i answer him 

" Hello "

" bitch where the hell have you been at I been calling and texting I almost thought ya ass damn got kidnap yo black" I laugh because he is closer to the truth than  he knows

"yah about that "I take a sip of my drink

" girl what happened" 

"I did get kidnapped "I took a big shot of my drink before i continued "You remember that guy that i been talking to and dating low key "

"the one talking at Jop " Smiling think about him and our time together 

"yeah, he kidnapped me but returned me home but a girl i glad he did because he saved me" 


"because there is a roiti and I was locked in my office he came and got me " I lied a little because I had him worried .

"but my other question is what happens to your job " Oh shit 

"Thanks for reminding me because I might not have a job any more shit shit " what the hell am I going to do" 

"girl breathe why don't you send them a quick email explaining everything and ask if you still have a job they did have a riot" I slow my breathing down i so don't have a mini panic- attack and I email my job 

"why girl I gotta go, get some action talk to you later bye hoe " I laugh because I know he getting some tonight while drinking alone peacefully in my own little world. think about me for once and what I am doing next and that is to check up on my job issue get a motel room 4 days from now and start saving.

 I don't why but every time I drink or get drunk I feel refreshed as fuck like right now

I wake to the sun rising with the birds chirping. and I just sit here thinking what I'm going to do. for a long time I thought about me and only me and thinking about Gedeon for some reason brings me peace and makes me feel at home even tho he lied to me but I don't know what at this point,

"good morning beautiful"

"ahhhhhh" I scream so fucking loud and I end up falling on my ass on the floor. 

"shut the fuck I'm trying to sleep; screaming this loud in the mother fucking morning " hear my mother scream from her bedroom. I get up and I hurry and cover my mouth and whisper shout at him

"How did you get in here I say covering myself because I was wearing Freddy Krueger t-shirt that was dark gray and black shorts shorts without any underwear on at night sometimes so my kitty kat can breathe 

"I missed you, I've been away from my queen for too long and I have a surprise for you " and looked at him like he lost his mind because he knew I don't like surprises.

 " know you don't like surprises but this one you will love" wonder what he talking about.

he turned around and went into my closet and came out with the biggest bags of names brand stuff and stuff I had never seen before, and my birth month flowers with were aster and morning glover that had hunders stuffed with the flowers.

"what is all of this "When I looked at all the bags that were on the floor on the plush black rug I asked him because I had never gotten much for a birthday since I was 18 years old. then I looked up he looked like I asked the dumbest question.

"for you my love, and your birthday coming up "' that is tomorrow, like with everything that is happening, I just lost track of time. Because of that attack on my job speaking of whether they emailed me back or not, I checked later. than Gedeon kidnapping me and with everything that's going on.

Well happy earlier birthday and just the beginning " he tells me pulling me to my bed and
Going threw another bag I didn't know he had with him and started throwing outfits purses and other accessories on my bed next to me. These are outfits I only wear to take pictures but not leave the house because I'm not that confident yet.

her escapeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora