Part 4

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Reo, who is looking at him with a mix of shock and bewilderment, mutters, "God, I'm such an idiot."

Hearing that, Nagi's head snaps up. He blinks slowly, puzzled. "Huh?"

Reo doesn't seem to hear him, as he's tipping his head back, staring at the ceiling for a long time as if there's something interesting up there. "I'm—"

Reo swallows and shakes his head. He takes a deep breath, looking directly at Nagi's eyes this time. Nagi can tell that Reo is holding back tears, as his vibrant violet irises appear glassy, so much emotions swirling in those pretty eyes that Nagi can't decide whether he should attempt to comfort Reo or not.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault," Reo finally says after another beat of silence. "I'm sorry, Nagi, I— fuck. "

Reo grits his teeth. His fists balled in frustration. This is not the first time Nagi sees Reo getting this upset, despite his usual composure, however this is the first time he witnesses Reo being at a loss of words. It's kind of perplexing.

Hesitantly, Nagi reaches out on the table to cover Reo's fist with his palm. He rubs his thumb on Reo's knuckles in his own wordless attempt at offering comfort.

Eventually, the tension bleeds out when Reo heaves a sigh. Nagi can feel Reo's fist going lax under his touch.

"I—you know, I have this thing," Reo begins, wetting his lip nervously, "where I feel like I need to be perfect."

Nagi nods, signaling Reo to continue.

"I just—I know realistically having everything in a perfect order is impossible. But—" Reo exhales again, averting his gaze from Nagi. "...Last month I fumbled badly in sales. It messed me up and I-I didn't realize I hurt you. I'm so sorry, Nagi," he mutters softly.

"Is that what's been weighting you lately?"

"Partly," Reo whispers. "It wasn't just my business. In the last season I didn't really do well either. Coach and Manager didn't trust me enough to put me on the starting roster. They gave me multiple chances but I could barely make a difference when I was on the field. And then there's the branch company I took over earlier last year. Our sales been freefalling for a couple months and none of the marketing strategies I came up with worked and I-I—"

Reo inhales shakily. He clenches his teeth hard. The whimper that makes it past his lips sounds so pained that it compels Nagi to close the space between them and take Reo into his embrace.

The violet strands feel so soft between his fingers. Nagi cradles Reo's head gently. Guilt fills him up as his fingers continue to thread Reo's silky hair. "I'm sorry," Nagi murmurs, "I didn't know Reo was in that much pain. I was too focused on myself and—" Nagi sighs. "I'm sorry."

Reo shakes his head. His hands come up to latch on Nagi's shirt as he buries his face further into Nagi's chest.

"You don't get it." Reo sniffles. His voice is muffled by the shirt. "You don't get it, Nagi. I'm horrible. I was a-ashamed because you—"

Nagi freezes. "Because I...?"

"Because you're a genius! You've always accomplished great things and breaking records and I-I just couldn't really face you...because I'm such a failure..."

Nagi squeezes Reo's shaking shoulders, putting an arm-length distance between them so that he can look at Reo's face properly. 

The sight of Reo's crumpled face tugs at Nagi's heart strings. He's often weak when it comes to Reo. He likes to see Reo happy. He likes to make Reo happy.


Finally!! Next chapter tomorrow will be the last chapter!

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