Chapter 25

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After two hours of tremendous torture, I watched him bleed and groan. F**k, I've missed this. Torturing pathetic, whiney, useless people and souls like him is my number one favorite hobby. His screaming echoed through the whole basement. No one can hear him scream; everything is soundproof.

"Are you going to confess now?" I asked

He was in too much pain to talk. Pathetic, but he will speak one way or another, and I'll ensure it.

"Náli! Arioch! " I shouted, and two of my most brutal, unmerciful demons appeared before us. I could see that little slime crawl against the back wall, terrified for his life. They bowed to me as usual, and we were pleased to see Victor.

"You both know what to do, but don't kill him, understood?" I said

"Yes, Master," they said

"If he dies before he can confess the truth, you both can kiss your immortality goodbye; GOT IT!" I yelled as they cowered in fear

"Y-yes, Master," they said

"Good, if you'll excuse me, I'm returning to my future queen," I said

I teleported out of the cell, leaving them with Victor.

"We're going to have some fun," said Náli

*Arioch laughs evilly*


I returned to my bedroom, and my bumblebee wasn't there. Where is she?!

"BUMBLEBEE?!" I shouted

"I'm out here, babe," she said

I came to my bedroom balcony and found her safe. Thank F**k! I ran out to embrace her.

"My love, you scared me," I said

"I'm sorry, babe," she said

"How come you not in bed?" I asked

"I couldn't sleep. So I came outside to get some fresh air, and I gaze at the stars," she said

"Ah yes, it is lovely tonight," I said

"It's beautiful," she said

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the back of her head. We watched the stars together.

"What's on your mind, love?" I asked

"I've been thinking..." she said

"About?" I asked

"I know I said I'm all about forgiveness and second chances, but I think it's time to forgive my parents," she said

I was shocked yet surprised when she said that after everything they'd done to her, especially keeping her and her little sister apart.

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