Treasure Hunt

3 0 0

Contains death

"Hey! Hey! The treasure is over there!"

"Uh... isn't that the way to a wolf pack...?"

"Huh? Where'd you hear that? That's not true. I've been there so many times before. No wolves, just pretty rocks and icicles"

"If you say so..."

They continue to head to the path of the so called 'treasure'.

"Hey, where's the treasure? It should be around here somewhere, right?"

"Look! Over there! A wooden box! Open it!"

"Ah? Really? Okay"

She opens the wooden box and a big wolf comes out.


"Haha~ there's no need for that."

The other girl whistles and gathers multiple wolves.


"Shh, stay quiet."

The wolves slowly approach the terrified girl. The wolves start tearing her clothes apart and they eat her alive, ripping her organs out, and devouring her raw flesh. She screams from agony as the other girl just stands and watched with a terrifying smirk on her face. After a while, only bones and the blood remains. The wolves then go back into their little cave. The girl that's alive slowly walk back home with a big smile on her face, leaving the bloody scene behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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