Chapter 3

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"Hey did you hear about the new transfer students?"A girl said while approaching a small circular marble table joining a few girls who where already seated across from each other.

"Who hasn't heard of them, nearly everyone in the entire school is talking about them."

"Now that I think about it don't you think them suddenly transferring here in the middle of the school year is a bit strange, not to mention that Kaladin rarely ever permits anyone to join our ranks without years of training." Another girl with strawberry pink hair replied as she took a sip of tea.

"What are you implying, that they are actually as skilled as us?"she laughed as she to began to take a sip of her tea.

"Huh?!what nonsense, sheltered rich girls like them being as skilled as us, I would be surprised if they new how to lift a broom let alone stab a person, they must've pulled some strings to get here." another sneered as the rest of the girls burst into laughter.

"Shh, they might hear you."

"So what, let them hear me for all I care it's not like they can do anything about it, right Grace?"

The brunette now directing her question to a girl with long and curly blonde hair who sat beside a girl with short white dyed hair and black roots.

"Of course, I cannot allow three black sheep to prance around like there one of us, 'we' will be sure to put them in their place, right sister?"The  blonde added as she glanced at the one beside her earning a simple 'hmm' from the other as she took a sip of her black coffee.

The two where not biological sister, the difference between them was as clear as day, while one had blonde hair the other had white and black hair while one had a personality of gold the other was said to have a personality of steel, however they where both known and admired by many because of there families background and the amount of power they had over the school.


Freya alongside her sisters where making there way towards the cafeteria after there first class about poison and how to cure injuries.

Pushing open two glasses doors the three made there way into a room that seemed to be quite packed with a huge balcony made of stone, white tiles and luxurious glass coffee tables that where spread across the room while male and female waiters were seen attending to a few tables.

The room fell silent as the three trudged through a few tables before taking a seat at a table located in the center of the room there bodies screaming elegance before silent murmurs could be heard.

"Is that them."

"They look way better up close."

"Yeah, the rumors don't do them justice."

"Seems like Grace and Diana are going to have some competition."

"Hah, let's just hope there skills are as good as there looks, if so then they are gonna give Diana and Grace a run for there m-...."

Before the other could even finish a loud bang was heard drawing everyone in the rooms attention towards a huge glass coffee table where a certain blonde could be seen with her fingers balled into a fist and a frown plastered on her face before it quickly turned into a smile as if she didn't just slam the glass table a few minutes ago.

"What the hell-..." Someone whispered before stopping at the sound of a chair being pushed back.

Grace, slowly getting up from her seat as she made her way towards the threes table with a glass of grape juice in hand."

"You three must be the new transfers we've all heard about."she said, extending her hand towards the three who only ignored the gesture and continued to place there orders.

Grace noticing this slowly began to retract her hand her smile wavering only slightly. "Oh, you must be the introverted type," she sneered causing Diana her sister along with a few more girls to laugh.

"But you know...."the blonde trailed off beginning to swirl her glass gentle before continuing "it is considered very disrespectful to be seated while your senior is standing."a huge smirk slowly appeared on her face."So as your senior I ota' punish you."the girl scolded with a hint of mockery in her tone before she moved closer to Astoria and began to tilt her glass, intending to spill it all over Astoria "Oops."

But to her dismay, Valeria caught it swiftly as though she was expecting it, gently taking the glass from her hand pouring the purple liquid onto her instead, allowing the liquid to slowly dye her blonde hair purple along with her white dress.

"ah!! what are you doing?!"she yelled as she tried to wipe the cold drink of her dress as the other girls quickly made there way to help her whereas the rest remained seated, some shocked some angry while others laughed.

"You ill mannered girl how dare you do this to her!!" One of the girls said as they tried to make there way towards Valeria only to stop in her tracks at the sound of two glass doors being slammed open.

What is going on here!!?A familiar voice erupted through the room as a lady in a blue suit raced through the tables.

"Mrs Victoria this girl-!!!"The girl was swiftly cut off as Freya approached the lady "Ma'm you do not have to worry we where just playing around...."

"Isn't that right?...Grace."


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