The Way We Once Were

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A few weeks later.....


I woke up with Fatima lying asleep on my chest I couldn't resist a smile I was so happy just to have her back in my arms and just to get to wake up to her again and being the way we once were again. I swear she sleeps so beautifully.

I kissed her on the cheek a couple of times then I slowly readjusted her off of my chest and onto the pillows.

I successfully moved her over without waking her, I consider that an accomplishment because she's usually a light sleeper.

I got out of the bed and went into the bathroom upon entering
I turned the knob to turn the shower on and I let it heat up as I peed.
Soon as I was finished I turned on the sink and washed my hands and While waiting for the shower water to get a little warmer I began brushing my teeth.

Just as I was finishing up brushing my teeth Fatima came into the Bathroom on her side of the sink she turned the water on and grabbed her toothbrush and began to brush her teeth.

I stepped out of the bathroom to grab a face towel, some boxers , and a few others things for my shower and headed back to the bathroom, when I returned Fatima was finished brushing her teeth.

She'd woken up more and was now speaking to me. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me I wrapped my arms around her as well we stayed like that for a minute. Just hugging on each other with no verbal communication. But after a minute or so
Fatima looked up at me and I was surprised to see that she was teary eyed when she did.

For the past week she's been clinging on to me ever since I told her I have to go away for 2 weeks for a football boot camp that my coach assigned all of his players to, the issue is that we stay there the whole two weeks and it's in Texas at the Star (the cowboys stadium).

Today would be My last full day here before leaving and it seems to have Fatima emotional.

Zac: T I know you not crying.

Fatima: (wiping her eyes) I'm not.

Zac: your eyes are literally watering.

Fatima: They're not.

Zac: if you say so.

Fatima: is that all you have to say?

Zac: (exhales) Yo Fatima what's the matter?

Fatima: Nothing! Aren't you about to take a shower?

Zac: yea I am I was tryna see what was wrong witchu but I geuss I won't press you about it anymore I don't have the time to pull stuff outta you.

Fatima: Good, I'm not asking you to.

Zac: cool if that's all then imma just hop in the shower then.

(Zac separates from Fatima and begins pulling back the shower curtain Fatima stands there sulking debating on whether or not to say something else to him she ultimately decides to do so she stops him just before he undresses and gets in)

Fatima: You leaving tomorrow....

Zac: yeah, early tomorrow morning.

Fatima: Zac that wasn't a question.... I was saying that's why I'm... never mind forget about it.

(Zac walks back over to Fatima )

Zac: No I won't forget about it because your feelings matter to me.... so tell me is me leaving..
Is that why you're upset ?

Fatima: I'm not upset, but I don't want you to leave me.
what am I even supposed to do here for two weeks by myself?

Zac: Hang out with your friends and wait for me to get back, I promise it won't be long T.

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