Chapter 2

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"You have no business being here, Syndra," the Gearmaster said, the remote he was about to use to turn the Clockwork on now at his side. "Me and the people of Carmsborough will not tolerate your insurrection."

"Oh, please, I'm not here to cause any trouble," Syndra replied, almost through to the stage. "In fact, I'm begging you to continue. Please, activate the Clockwork."

"Absolutely not. Not anymore."

"Why not, old man? What are you afraid of?"

"I do not fear you, Syndra. You are a bully and a brute."

"Then activate the machine."


Orion, somewhere near the middle-right of the town square, stood by in confusion and fear. Who was Syndra, and why was he interrupting the Gearmaster's presentation with armed guards? Things felt like they were about to go south quickly, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

"Turn it on. Last chance."

"I will never cave to you."

"Then let the record show I gave you a fair chance."

Syndra pulled a pistol out from a holster on his side, aimed it directly at the Gearmaster, and fired. It connected with his shoulder, and the old man dropped the remote on the ground, button-side up.

Chaos ensued as people in the town square started screaming and running away, desperately hoping to avoid being shot themselves. The rest of Syndra's path to the stage cleared out, allowing him to snatch the remote.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do we not want to see what the Clockwork does when turned on?"

Orion was watching in horror. He couldn't believe the Gearmaster had been shot in front of hundreds of people and that the presentation was being hijacked by some crazy man. If there was a time to run away and hide, it was now.

"I guess I'll do it myself," Syndra said, pressing the button with a smile.

Beside him, the monstrous machine moved its arms, and the lights in its eyes flickered awake.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Carmsborough, prepare for revolution!" he yelled, stretching his hands wide.

The armed men fanned out from the stage, aiming their weapons at the scurrying crowd. Orion, finally snapping to reality, found the strength to move. His legs felt weighed down, as if he were living a nightmare, but he hurried away from the main section of the town square.

Then the second gunshot rang out. It was loud and uncomfortably close, momentarily stunning him. People ran faster, and screams echoed against the building walls instead of cheers. The gunshots increased at a steady rate until there was one nearly every five seconds.

Orion set his sights on the nearest alleyway, hoping to steer clear of the madmen with weapons. The noises were mostly coming from the other side of the town square, but he knew bullets didn't care about a distance as short as this. As he neared the alley entrance, another escaping attendee blindsided him, sending them both to the ground.

"Watch it, twerp!" the man said, moving to return to his feet.

"Sorry!" Orion called, also attempting to get up.


The man next to him flopped back over. His face grew dull and expressionless. The culprit, one of Syndra's armed men, was staring directly at Orion, gun drawn.

This is it. This is the end.

Orion was helpless to do anything but watch as the man drew closer. It was only a matter of time until— A shrieking sound filled the air, similar to that of a jet. It was jarringly loud and caught everyone's attention. All eyes watched as the Clockwork charged into the town square and crashed into the man threatening Orion, sending him soaring a good five or six meters to the side.

Orion and the Clockwork (The Carmsborough Vigilantes #2)Where stories live. Discover now