Chapter 9

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It wasn't long before dinner was ready, and the five of them were seated around the table. Their mom had made some sort of overcomplicated chicken and noodle soup, which Orion didn't hate, but also wasn't dying to eat.

That said, he was dying to eat something. Not having eaten since breakfast and doing all of that running around was wearing him down. He wasn't sure how anyone around here did it without starving all day.

With the announcement that he would have to leave soon still hovering over them, there wasn't a lot being said during dinner, other than a lot of "how was your day?" and listening to a recounting of the hospital trip. Rami ate every little detail up, from the doctors checking for and fighting infection, to making sure they had the resources for actually treating her. As it turned out, Syndra's little escapade had caused a shortage of a lot of medical supplies around Carmsborough, and the Agricultural District had to shift inventory around to help with the more populated areas.

And, of course, there was no shortage of words to say about that. Their dad was very clear to make aware how upset he was about the whole situation, to the point of threatening to take them to court over their unpreparedness. In the end, the hospital had to send a group out to get materials back from a place in the housing district. They were promptly discharged an hour after her getting said materials.

"But," Rami's dad said, "we are getting a significantly discounted bill. Which is great, because even with that discount, we're still going to be paying for it for months."

Not too long after, a soft patter of rain tapped against the kitchen window. The storm was only just starting, but Orion wasn't going to take any chances.

"Do you think I'd be able to take the Clockwork and put it in the barn with the cows?" he asked their dad.

The dad thought about it for a couple of moments, but eventually allowed it. Orion excused himself from the table to go check on his mechanical bodyguard. It stared at him with unblinking eyes.

"We're going to get you inside the barn. That way, you're out of the storm. I'd rather not have you break down on me right now."

The Clockwork simply continued staring, but followed Orion to the barn. The cows were all still out, but he figured they'd all take sheltered once the rain got annoying enough.

Instead of heading right back in, he sat next to the Clockwork for a moment. It looked down at him before deciding to join him, kneeling its long legs down to get in a natural position.

"What are we going to do? They're going to kick us out in a matter of days. We have nowhere to go. Not to mention, things are apparently getting bad everywhere. We won't be safe until we leave the country."

The Clockwork, ever stoic, simply sat, looking down at the human it had chosen to protect. Orion looked back at it for a moment.

"I mean, Carmsborough isn't safe either way, right? Us being here doesn't make a difference. Except to us."

The machine continued staring. Its lack of response was more than Orion's conscience could handle.

"We have to stay, don't we? We have to be the heroes. We have to defend and take back the city. Or people keep getting hurt. Or Syndra gets his way."

This time, the Clockwork seemed to respond with a whir. Orion groaned.

"All right. Stay here. You can come out once the rain stops. Whenever that is."

Without waiting for another word, Orion left the barn and closed the door behind him, figuring that the Clockwork was smart enough to open it itself, or just go out the same way the cows do. The rain had picked up slightly, and as he re-entered the house, a slight regret for not wearing a jacket took over.

Orion and the Clockwork (The Carmsborough Vigilantes #2)Where stories live. Discover now