The case of the Missing Poptart.

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This is a small, comical story that will only have a couple parts, you may skip if not intrested.


Modern AU

Third person POV:

It was a dark and stormy night with an ominous ring to it, the crow's positioned on the telephone lines were eerily still as if anticipating something, suddenly, a shrill screech came from an estate belonging to no other than the sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui, upon inspection of the kitchen of said estate you would find the tall man crying over an empty strawberry poptart box (person A*: a what now? Person B*: just go along with it.)

The Tall man swiftly flipped the switch to make it day (Person A: that's not a real thing. Person B: What did I say about going along with it?) The man then walked into the Demon Slayer corps court yard and magically summoned the other Hashira (Person A: I'm done here. Person B: WAIT, the best parts coming up!)

Person A = my sensical side.

Person B = how make cheese, where buy cheese, Avacda.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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