Chapter 2

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"William, that is a fine name as well...-" you say as you take a sip of your drink tasting the hints of lavender and lemon in the vodka, "this is amazing! Where did you learn this recipe?" you ask him. "I made it myself, I tend to have a lot of spare time on my hands in the early hours before business tends to pick up,"  William replies as he cleans his shaker and puts it back on his side of the bar. "Have you come up with any other drinks?" you ask sipping on your drink and placing it back on the coaster. "I've been messing around with some ingredients but the only one I've perfected is the Lavender Ice..." William said tossing his hand towel over his shoulder "I'm considering adding it to the menu for guests to order," He sighs thinking about something. "I thought only the owner could add things to the menu," you say questioning what he said. "I am the owner, love," William said smirking as you look at him. "Oh...that makes more sense..." making you slip into a deep thought questioning why you haven't seen him before if he was the owner.

William POV

Why is she so deep in thought...should I not have told her I was the owner? I thought to myself. Right as I was about to ask Y/N what was wrong Henry walked in. "Hey Henry, you're early, you know you weren't supposed to be here until 2 PM right?" I ask him curious why he's here 2 and a half hours early. "Morning Boss, I thought I was on the schedule for 10:30 like usual?" Henry asked me. "No sir, you're not supposed to be here til 2. You're more than welcome to head back home and come back later, or hell take the day Henry. You're always working so much, go get some rest. I'll mark that you were here for the shift on payroll later tonight." I say to Henry, hoping he will take the offer so I can get to know a little bit more about y/n. "Well thanks, boss! I'll see you tomorrow then!" Henry said as waved to Y/N before he turned and walked back out the door flipping the open sign to close nodding to me before he made his way back to his car.


You zone back in hearing the door to the bar open up and seeing the bartender who usually serves you walk in the door. Listening to William and his conversation you realize his name is Henry, you'd been there how many times and never got his felt very foolish for not knowing. As their conversation went on you pulled out your phone and made it look like you weren't paying attention but were listening to bits and pieces of the interaction going on between them. you realized that you ran into William today instead of Henry because he had a later shift than normal. William ended up sending him home...I wonder why. I waved back to Henry as he walked out the door. Turning back towards William you made eye contact with his ice blue eyes and noticed he was staring at you making you blush but then quickly became embarrassed that you were just staring at him so you quickly looked away. "Y/N? Are you alright? You look a little red-" "I'm fine!"  you say quickly interrupting him. "Okay...well I see that you've met Henry. Did you meet him here or somewhere else?" William asks you as he pulls up a stool to sit across from you. " No, I met him here, I've been coming quite frequently in the past few weeks, Henry has been serving me every time I've come in. Speaking of come I've never seen you before today?" you ask placing your now empty glass on the coaster in front of him. "I'm not sure, I'm here every day to open the bar in the mornings. Around what time are you coming in?" He asks you, taking your glass and refilling it. "About 11:45-12:00...why?" "Ah, that makes more sense. I go to my office to do paperwork at 11:30, so I'm already gone by the time you tend to come in. Anyways, what brings you in so early? We don't tend to get customers this early in the day," William says as he gets off the bar stool he was sitting on. "Oh, my best friend surprised me with this outfit this morning but I felt weird not wearing It somewhere so I figured I would at least go out and get a is my birthday after all," you sigh as you rest your head on your hands and look up and make eye contact with William. "Oh, it's your birthday? Well happy birthday," he says smiling softly before he breaks eye contact with you turning around to face all of the alcohol on the back wall."What did you plan on doing before your best friend surprised you?" William adds, still facing the wall of alcohol and reorganizing the bottles. "I'm not sure, I mean I hadn't realized it was my birthday until Julia called me this morning so I didn't have a plan for the day," you said drinking the rest of your drink and placing it back on the coaster. "You didn't realize it was your birthday?" he asked turning back around taking out a shot glass and pouring himself a shot. "Nope, I've just been so busy I didn't realize the day had come already," You answered swirling the ice cube in the glass around the cup. You enjoyed talking to William, you weren't sure why but regardless of why you enjoyed it.

"So, Y/N. What do you do for a living?" William asks. "Oh, I'm not working at the moment, I'm currently looking for a job though..." you say chuckling nervously. "Would you like a job here? You've been coming to the bar quite frequently, so why not?" he says smiling "Really? But I have no bartending skills!" you say dumbfounded "That's not a problem, love. I can teach you," he replies. "Would you really?" you ask. "Of course. So is it a yes?"  he says with a smirk. "Definitely. When do you want me to start?" you ask with excitement "Are you busy tomorrow morning?" he asks you "Nope! What time do you want me here?" "How is 9 AM?" "That sounds perfect!" "Wonderful." "Do I need to bring anything?" "No, you do not. I'll give you everything you need when you get here in the morning"  "Alright!" you say as you start to gather your things. you get up from the bar and head to the door, you stop before walking out forgetting that you never paid for your drink. "Oh, my drink! How much do I owe you?" you ask William as you dig through your purse to find your wallet "Don't worry about it love. It's on me, birthday treat." he says to you smiling. "Okay," you say putting your hands in your pocket. "I'll see you tomorrow then" you add, turning back to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N," he says smiling as you walk out the door.

Lavender Ice       (William Afton X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now