Chapter 24

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Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

I grumbled and tucked my head as William's phone rang on his end table.


I nudged him, slightly pushing him off of me so he'd stop his phone from ringing. He sighed as he rolled over and checked to see who was calling him so early in the morning. When he saw who it was he groaned and picked up the phone.

"Can I help you?"

"So rude...anyways, you working today?"

"No, Vince. I have the day off and would like to enjoy it for once."

"Welp. Too bad. Get dressed and meet me at the bar in an hour...oh and bring that woman of yours with you."

"Her name is Y/N. Surely your memory hasn't begun to escape you so soon."

"Oh, I know her name... I just like hearing you annoyed. Anyways, I'll see you soon brother."

He hung up the phone and dropped it on his chest, sighing as he stared up at the ceiling.

"What was that about?"

"He wanted to meet at the bar...and he wanted you there."

"Alright, what time?"

"In an hour."

"Then I guess we should get ready..."

"I agree."

We both drug ourselves out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. After we took a quick shower to shake off the grogginess we then tossed some clothes on and headed to the car.

We got in and headed to the we got closer I started thinking about what Vincent could have wanted and why he wanted me there. My thoughts were cut short when William pulled into the parking lot and we saw him leaning against his car. He was driving an older muscle car but you couldn't tell which one from where you were.

Julia's car was already in the parking lot so I knew she was already in the building, most likely prepping for the day.

William got out before you and walked around the car to help you out.

"Always the gentleman, weren't you, brother?"

"Yes, unlike some of us...let me help you, darling"

"Thank you, WIll"

He deflected Vince's comment as he helped you out and looped your arm through his.

"Now, tell me brother, why are we meeting you at my bar?"

"Hm, last time I checked this isn't just your bar anymore. If I'm not mistaken you signed Ms. Julia onto the deed...although if I am wrong then there is some random woman currently in your bar."

William rolled his eyes as he took his keys from his pocket to unlock the door. As he put the key in the sound alerted Julia and made her look up at the door.

Lavender Ice       (William Afton X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now