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a hiss escaped my mouth as the ache in my hands had finally made themselves noticeable when i removed my hands from the steering wheel. i rubbed them just as harshly as they hurt in order to try and make it go away.

the streets of morioh was a lot prettier than my siblings had described; the funny thing was that they were extremely vague with it, so i didn't exactly know what to expect this time around. i crank down my window before leaning over and cranking the passenger side's so i could feel the air.

it was crisp, almost enough to wake me up. then again, not a lot of things did.

it took me a few moments after stepping on the break to finally get a move on. i was reluctant to let the speed go above ten miles per hour because of the change of brightness.

coming from the pits of hell, into a dim car tunnel, and out into the bright morioh air was like torture on the retinas.

before this entire situation, the sin of greed, or balaam, got an villa for me with a lease that ends in a few years in order to get my mission done and over with.

i just had to navigate my way from the outer workings of the town towards the most city-like area.

trying to remember which road leads to which building was hard. everything looked so different from the last time i had visited. five thousand years ago, wasn't it?

five rebirths really did a lot to a demon. it also did a lot for the population. as well as the energy of the town.

there was hardly anyone was outside, other than the occasion student passing on their way to school. the uniforms looked decent, but i've seen much better throughout the very few years i was forced to go out.

even if the kid i needed to work with was in one of the crowds, my first stop would need to be the villa. my luggage needed to be dropped off and my energy needed to be replenished.

even if i managed to sleep in for an entire week, i'm sure one of my brothers would raise hell if i were to sleep in for to long.

the drive wasn't as long as i would've expected it to be, even with the gps throwing me off quarter of a mile. it also seemed as though every student went to one school near the east side of town seeing as how i could still see the uniforms coming from various directions.

my mind was lost as i continued the drive and mindlessly followed the instructions told to me from the robot. "hey- hey! hey! hey!" a voice called out from in front of the car. my eyes focused on the boy with a panicked expression on his face.

"watch were you're going! you could kill someone you know!"

so, this must be my client. i stared at him with a harsh look. his stylist did him dirty, the top of his head looked like a piece moldy steak. it also looked like he put way to much attention into his hair rather than his grades.

he also looked like he was the japanese version of prince, just without the style and good vocals. "yeah, yeah. whatever kid." i groaned while rolling my eyes. another once of the teen made me realized he kinda looked like one of those gamer kids with hardly any friends. his attitude sure made it seem that way.

"who the hell do you think you're talkin' to?! we're basically the same damn age!" i tried remembering his name as his yelled this. it started with a j and had something to do with a jojo.

i also remembered it was short, but still kind of weird. "so what, i'm sure i'm older than you. i'm not the one who has to walk their way to school." jokese? jolse? jopese? joreske? josuke? joey? joe?

each name went through my brain as i tried to remember his. josuke seemed most like it, but i would have to ask my brothers.

jo-whatever his name was sucked his teeth and slung his school bag over his shoulder. "shouldn't you be in school to? you look young enough to be a student. i should report you to the cops."

"i just moved here not to long ago. i'm an exchange student." i lied, the response coming out of my mouth before i could even really register. before i left for morioh, i made sure to come up with an entire story and character details so that it would be easier to get my mission done and over with.

the teen looked at me with analytical eyes, questioning my answer. i stared back at him before realizing that we were still in the middle of the road. despite the lack of cars, it would still be rude to just stay here and keep them from getting from where they need to be.

the pompadour styled teen thought for a moment before walking to the driver side door. "tell you what," he started while pointing in the general direction of the school then to the passenger seat. "give me a ride to school and i can give you a tour whenever you need."

euneirophrenia .. josuke higashikata x readerWhere stories live. Discover now