Chapter 27: The Vanished Light

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A Time Earlier...


... So Aggru would conclude, once more. He said.
        Trotting along still on the beginnings of the wets, of the outermost sands, where the tides to had caved over the holes like melts of mud into the imprint steps. Made by Aggru's hooves of altered horseshoe steels, (courtesies of the Knight-Smith's labours).
        ("And what of this perceiving voice, between us—you, are relaying within me, that returns to you then, through this constantly manner, master?") Aggru, to had said, once more, wondered in curious generalities of to the Laws, and Roundlores of the past, of the realm, of the Capital of the Realm. From even, when during, the First Village. Or perhaps even way backed before, from dated since when... But all was before... before the First Village, when Aragenn's Breathless Confront against the dragon Andswall with his Elder and Unelder sons and daughters, against, Andswall's Flight. Of a flight, they known, as the remaining Dragons of Flame and along with the remainder of the Alter-Dragons... But all was before... were of only, of the knowing. From where he had directly had journeyed from, was that of from the East.
        Till, to be known then as, as the Untouchable King. The Twenty-Seventh King. As King Aragenn Andswall. Of the First Village.
        "It was English Language." I had said, answer in thoughts of recollection.
        While watching along the grey and high walls of the island, examining along the various protrusions of the vague stones, high, and higher. Resuming. "For it was by a man named English Language." I say. "Well, English Language, who had stabilised the origin voices, of the dragons' tells and tongues. As he would have called it, of course." I said. "Such as 'see', and 'not', for example, stabilising into 'yes', and 'no', instead."
        ("I see, Master... However. But hadn't this perceived 'English Language' been purloined, I hear?")
        "Hm." I would respond. "And who had proposed of this theory." I to add, neutrally possessed upon the sightings of this island from upon my roam—
        But to halt, then, I, I had thought. It, to have been...
        ("—Yes...! ...By the old and Pale Master... Oh, Master...") Answering Aggru. Undulating his head up and lowly. Wavy and contented in his squinting eyes. Whilst maintaining his slowly gait across these arriving, and ebbing tides.
"...Implied me he had conclude his theories with the Curse..." I say, a dismissive, and in lustless of tone. "So, how well... Curiosity... Enslaves to us all, then... Even kings, to at least..." To end I had say...
        Impressed upon the thoughts, to the thoughts of that exist, I embrace (the Curse, an all-curious thing I to wonder. Yet perhaps rather it...curiosity, being the Curse itself?).
        Then beginning, once more, I informed. Telling. Aggru, continuing, in his trotting. "Regardless, he theorise purloin." I say. "An only lead, Aggru: King Aragenn, when arrived from the East, to foster the First Village, he had arrived, already, speaking the stabilised speech of the tells and tongues of the dragons; English Language. You see, even King Aragenn Andswall himself, had only mention English Language. Never to had greet him as well. Only to 'believed'. And this back, kings ago, long before even when the fostering of the realm's existence. Yet, despite him titled, as the Twenty-Seventh King, instead. He claimed."
        Aggru, to would reply. A proceed, in his perceiving voice.
        ("Then, do you believe... the origin Master's words...?")
        "I believe it worthier to be told something than if nothing." As a blow of the shore's winds had billowed my attire and had battered within my rightly ear. "I believe what he had spoken. Or, there would have been no meaning in what he had said... Such, as there been then, to no village. Thus into the Capital of the Realm, now, today..."
        As a voice, must of been first and listened to, through heed, I had thought—I were certain... Before to been built then as the Founding. As the First Village...
        ("...A sly response, Pale Master...!") Impressed been Aggru. Complimenting, in a low of played tone. ("However... But, this has only reverted our discussion, back to the beginning of my inquiry...") He said.
        Responding, satisfied not over Aggru's sly remarking. "...I, truth, whatever he had spoken. Regardless, what. Precisely if. Or if not." I, to answering, admitting in a hidden tone, dutifully unyielding. I beginning. "For, to be told something, is at least grasp, Aggru." I say. "For uncertainty, is like fear... Yet, the fear itself, never to what built the Capital of the Realm, rather. But to only kept bay out, from the nights of the unruly degeneracies... Whom were once ourselves... But still... Once... our own..."
        That I, to have said...
        As the occasion of the winds were to billowed I attire, and beside Aggru's packs and sacks swaying lesser, we would continued over the wetted lanes of the continually on-coming, tides. Along these shores.

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