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Death is a common factor. Laws of nature abide by it. The true purpose of life is better yet to be discovered and thankfully it hasn't or else knowing the true purpose of life will ruin the beauty of it. The unexpected twists and turns is what makes this fleeting mortal life meaningful and beautiful. Death which has been said to be the end never truly is "The End" which everyone makes it to be rather it is a sign of new beginnings. Well enough of this philosophical ramblings about life and death, I would rather start with my own peculiar story.

I was or am a human being? Is that what the right term would apply to myself is? I would rather not dwell on it. As a tiny light orb floating in a seemingly endless dark void, I suppose I can technically be called as a soul. Well how did I get here you ask? I fucking have no clue. But how I got here I may have a suspicion about that. This all started on a seemingly normal day. I followed my daily routine, and decided to go out and help some people. As a child, I always aspired to be a hero but never knew how to do so I decided to help people so that I can feel as if I had accomplished something. Returning back to my home I had a good warm meal and flipping through some books for a brief period time before opting to sit and relax on the couch to pass the day.

Facing forward I was surprised and almost fell down the couch when I saw a blue screen light up in front of my eyes. Very peculiar indeed, I tried waving my hand but it passed through it. I further got surprised when a text appeared on it and it was very ominous indeed. The text read: "The Fates of Two Soul have been intertwined, folly of one shall effect the other, rewards be greater and greater shall the challenges be faced together", certainly this had to be what a hallucination looks like. Even though such a text was in front of me , there were no options of backing out, rather than a typical 'Yes' and 'No' , only an option of 'Yes' was there. Hesitantly, steeling my nerves I try to click the button but my hand phases through it. I then think about selecting yes and it gets confirmed. The screen disappears and nothing happens.

The next moment a doorbell rings and upon opening a man dressed as an imperial navy officer hands me a box labeled 'Candidate 0698' Upon reading the name I was confused since I thought it would be an Isekai thing where me as the protagonist would have an exclusive power up but it seems not. Upon further inspection and hoping it was not some trap or if the FBI agents wanted to kidnap me , I cautiously opened the box and found a note. The note read:

'Candidatus vesperi bonum. Eventus est certe dies si has litteras tuas accipimus.' Programma fato' electus es. 1000 Candidati quales tute lecti sunt, et per immensos paribus entibus. In ludi verbis melius esset dicere Anime Characteres. sic sunt. Primum propositum tuum socium adiuvet ad fabulam perficiendam et ulteriores instructiones post expletum primum negotium dabuntur. Socii socii electi sunt secundum Veram voluntatem dicti candidati. Spes ut quisque succedat in suo munere. Characteres anime non informati sunt et ad candidatum futurum est, si veram problemati naturam narrare volunt. Monendus est ne talia facias, sed si res postulet, noli dubitare. Quaeso reprehendo candidatum indicem et dic verbum 'INCIPIT' extra. Spero te bonam habere experientiam.'

First of all it was highly disturbing knowing that anime characters exist and they don't know that we know their stories and their lives. After translating this damn letter it read:

'Good Evening Candidate. It is surely a eventful day if you are receiving this letter. You have been chosen for the 'Fate Program.' 1000 Candidates such as yourself have been chosen to and have been paired with beings across the vast multiverse. In gamer terms it would be better to say Anime Characters. Yes they exist. Your First objective would be to help your partner to complete their story and further instructions will be given after the completion of the first task. The partners have been chosen according to the True Wish of the said candidate. Hope to see everyone succeed in their task. The anime characters have not been informed and it would be up to the candidate if they want to tell the true nature of the problem. It would be advised not to do such actions but if the situation calls for it, please do not hesitate. Please check the candidate list and say the word 'BEGIN' out loud. We hope you have a good experience.'

Going through the rules I understood the gist of it. A list was also present there showing the names of all the candidates. There were many awesome characters such as Izuku Midoriya, Kakashi Hatake , Monkey.D. Luffy, Naruto Uzumaki, Gojo Satoru, concerning character such as Guts himself. Scrolling down the list I finally came to my name and I was paired up with..... Shirou Emiya!!! He is the Hero of Justice enthusiast who wants to save everyone. An idealistic but a foolish dream and the worst part being the Fate series. The Fate series being an amazing but deadly franchise with a 50% chance of survival since mages were mostly selfish pieces of crap who had huge egos and were ready to do anything to reach their goals. Knowing that there is no way out of this I took a deep breath and shouted begin. Now don't get me wrong I am not a fan of this as much as people think but honestly thinking if someone had the power to discover anime characters and the freaking! Multiverse , who says they aren't watching me now? So as soon as I said begin my body started to disintegrate and I disappeared into thin air.

I had officially begun my journey.

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