chapter 4: Phase 1

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Antarctica, Chaldea, 2015 (A day after Y/N arrival)

In a secret  facility located in the frozen lands of Antarctica, we zoom in to see a girl with white hair wearing a coat and orange vest, holding files in her hand, with a gaze as sharp as a hawk, it is none other than the director of Chaldea herself, Miss Olga Marie Animusphere. She walked down the white hallways of the facility with an aura of superiority taking long strides until she reached a room. The doors of the room automatically parted and she entered into a room which looked more of an observational unit which had high tech gear along with a large screen and a weird globe thingy which was blue in color. All the present staff members immediately greeted her upon her arrival except one man who was asleep on one of the desk. She immediately walked to him and "Gently" smashed the file on his head.

 She immediately walked to him and "Gently" smashed the file on his head

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"Wait...wha!! the, what happened!" the man said as he fell down the seat. "Well, well Romani as the head of medical section I am surprised by your lack of enthusiasm or the lack of your input in the matter regarding the rayshift or checking the status of the coffins." Olga said in a firm and angry voice. " Aha aha surely you jest Olga..errr I mean Director, I was just taking a momentary nap as all haha" Romani said nervously as he got up from the floor dusting his lab coat and fixing his id. " Now, now let's all stop fighting and enjoy the celebration of our entire systems functioning at 100% capacity" called out a woman's voice. Both turn to see a very beautiful woman, holding a staff in her hand. " I guess you are right technical Advisor Da Vinci." The woman is revealed to be none other than The Genius inventor of the Renaissance period Leonardo Da Vinci! She places a hand on Romani's shoulder and says " Director don't worry Romani did his part and well we shall go back immediately to monitoring the outside world." "HAH fine, but if I catch you slacking again you will be in a world of pain." Olga said as she turned to look at the monitors, Romani just nervously scratched his head and muttered an apology while Da Vinci just sympathized with him. 


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"Chief we have a slight problem" called out a member of the technical team responsible for managing the computers

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"Chief we have a slight problem" called out a member of the technical team responsible for managing the computers. All the members immediately looked towards the screen. "Director as you can see there was a massive influx of mana in the area originating from Fuyuki, the output is similar to that of a heroic spirit summoning but the signal disappeared as soon as it had emerged, we chalked it up to more of a small scale teleportation of a single entity but...." Olga raised an eyebrow " but what ?" The technician in a nervous tone said " The problem is that the end location for the teleportation is Fuyuki but the starting point is untraceable" Olga, Romani and Da Vinci's eyes widened in surprise and confusion " What how is that possible!?" They exclaimed. " Usually in a standard teleportation the process involves the pre determination of two locations for it to be carried out, contrary to popular belief teleportation is merely an acceleration of particles which is so fast it gives an effect of instantaneous transport which leaves a trail of residual magic as it travels from point A to point B, so using any point we can determine the other point of the teleportation but whatever happened in Fuyuki, the entity reached point B but tracing the line back to point A, it just cuts off in the middle.... Hell we even made use of SHEBA Lens to scan the entire globe starting with Fuyuki as an origin point but there was absolutely nothing." The technician explained. They all looked concerned and serious, another voice called out to them" Chief it has been approximately 24 hours since the  entity arrived and must have moved inland since there is no trace of him, I might be shooting an arrow in the dark but we might have an Extraterrestrial on our hands....." Olga took a deep breathe before exhaling and said " Now is not the time to panic but rather to act if this is truly the beginning of Human Order Incineration then I want all hands on deck! Romani with me, Da Vinci handle all the preparations for the bringing in the Candidates for the procedure, Tell me the status of Team A and Keep reporting for further anomalies, I want all reports and tell Professor Lev to report to my office and I want all of this done within an hour DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!" All of them immediately saluted and went back to work with Da Vinci and Romani following Olga as they walked out the Observation room with the door shutting behind them.

????,????, ????

"Sir Candidate 0698 is doing a decent job, there was a 50/50 chance of him surviving through the teleport, some of the other participating candidates have perished due tot he intense acceleration which has...well in a more simpler term stretched their bodies into grotesque and abnormal proportions and some even managed to get vaporized due to the sheer speed at which they travelled. The starting Candidates especially 001 has done a phenomenal job with his progress in his world but he killed his assigned companion due to his assigned partner being jealous of his popularity other than that everyone else is still doing a mediocre but acceptable performance and that concludes today's report sir." A cold, monotone voice speaks to the man.

"Thank you Misha, I am glad to see the candidates are having fun, the company has invested in this project, millions no BILLIONS of cash and to see it finally come to life is just so exciting" Said the man in pure joy. " Candidate 0698 is the one i have put my faith on, if he falls then so does my hopes and dreams, so 0698 or rather Y/N L/N show me what you got" The man said before laughing out loud....

Extra Notes-

Lostbelts- Lostbelts are all set in the present day. The dates when you go to the Lostbelt are the day that they split off. Lostbelts are alternate timelines that aren't supposed to exist, which is why they're lost. Chaldea is arriving at the point the Lostbelt is deemed lost.

Author Notes-
( THANK YOU!!! ALL FOR 1000+ READS, i hope you all are enjoying this story.
The explanation about teleportation is something of my own creation and has nothing to do with nasuverse. Hope u all enjoy this chapter and i will see u all in the next one)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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