Harvest Festival

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Third Person ( POV )

This attack on Tempest had greatly enraged Rimuru. Not only had the Falmuth Kingdom had the gall to attack her people, the King Edmaris completely completely disregarded her strength.

She made a plan. Shizue would destroy one outpost trying to create an anti magic barrier. Benimaru will destroy the next. Another will be destroyed by Shion. And the last one will be destroyed by Geld and Gobta along with Hakurou.

While they destroyed any stranglers, she will personally take care of the incoming army herself.

As the plans were being made, they were interrupted by the trio of Ellen, and her team.

They were relieved that Tempest suffered no loss, but were bummed that they couldn't help.

Then in an impulse, Ellen revealed the secret story of Milim becoming a Demon Lord.

From this story, Rimuru learned more about her sister's past, and also concluded the process of turning someone into a Demon Lord.

Souls were needed, a massive amount of them, along with a demon lord seed. She would have developed it herself if she didn't get one from the soul of Geld the first.

She decided it was an opportunity to become stronger while punishing her enemies. To awaken as a True Demon Lord's like Milim and Guy.

It should boost her power dramatically.

So, with that done, the plan started.

She waited, flying above the enemy camp. Her plans will start after the enemies behind the barriers are dealt with.

As soon as it ends, she starts on killing the soldiers and take their souls to nourish her Demon Lord Seed.

Flying in the sky was boring, so she started making a new branch of magic without the help of Athenea.

She thought about how no one in the world followed the laws of physics. So she went in the opposite direction, and used magic to enhance the physical laws. With it, she created megiddo. The magic that uses light particles to great effect.

The aftermath was a burnt hole in at least 10,000 bodies.

But she suddenly felt dizzy, like she went by no sleep for a week straight.

She had enough will to summon a demon to take care of the stranglers.

There were three summoned, an elegant gentleman in the middle and his henchmen.

He asked," What would you have us do my lady ?"

I told them in a sleepy tone," Kill all the stranglers and leave the King and his aide. Capture them if you will."

He replies," As you command my lady. Can we serve you after this is over ?"

Rimuru replies," First prove you worthiness."

He says," As you say my lady."

After that, Rimuru was carried by Ranga to the middle of the town that held an elaborate chair for her.

During this she had returned to her true form.

After being laid down, her skin starts glowing, her power fluctuating.

Athenea ( POV )

After the evolution started, Athenea had begun implementing her plans.

We see that time has stopped for everyone, or at least infinitely slowed down.

In front of Athenea, there were all the orbs of Ultimate Skills that she had available and could recreate from the information she gathered.

The skills of Sin series-
1. Pride
2. Wrath
3. Envy
4. Gluttony
5. Sloth
6. Lust
7. Greed

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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