Luna's weather ability

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Earth looked over to his adopted brother, Luna, before saying; "Hey, Luna, mind sharing your secret to staying warm in this freezing weather?"

Luna looked over from his invention to look at Earth. Luna smiled, saying; "Oh, you know, just a little something I picked up during my inventing sessions. Turns out, my fur is like a built-in thermal jacket!"

Venus, who seemed to overhear this, decided to break into the brothers' conversation with a playful smile. "Well, ain't that convenient! Next time we're in a volcano, I'll be sure to bring you along, Luna!"

Mars, being quite the cheerful one, smiling, says; "Oh, Luna, you're full of surprises!" Mars starts, embracing Luna in a hug. "I guess you really are the brains of the group!" Mars finishes. The four share a playful laughter, the hedgehogs and echidna all amazed at Luna's ability to adapt to extreme weathers.

But let's not forget about Sun now, shall we?

Sun, who overhears the four's conversation, in filled with a thrilling idea, yet quite surprised by the fox' superpower. "What?! That little fox can withstand extreme weathers? Blast it! I need to upgrade my robots to handle sub-zero temperatures!"

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