First day of the mission

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Jupiter and Luna find themselves in the freezing cold, surrounded by only snow and ice. Now Jupiter, he's the edgy and serious version of Earth.

As the temperature drops, Jupiter starts shivering uncontrollably, his tough exterior cracks just a bit. Luna, is there for Jupiter, luckily.

With a mischievous grin, Luna whips out his newly made (and trusty) invention - the "Jupiter Snuggler 3000" - a portable heating device specifically for the grumpy hedgehog.

Luna looks over to the taller hedgehog, an says; "Hey, Jupiter, feeling a bit chilly, huh?" He starts, as Jupiter looks at him. "Don't worry, I've got just the thing!" Luna continues.

Jupiter, being the stubborn hedgehog he always is, says; "Luna, I don't need your help. I can handle the cold just fine."

Luna, who now is determined to make sure Jupiter doesn't die from hypothermia, pleads. "Oh, come on, Jupiter! No need to be stubborn. Just give it a try!"

Reluctantly, Jupiter allows Luna to activate the "Jupiter Snuggler 3000." Instantly, a warm and cozy aura surrounds Jupiter, thawing his icy demeanor and bringing a hint of a smile to his face.

Jupiter looks at Luna, who smiles back at Jupiter. "I suppose this is... tolerable. Just don't tell anyone about this, Luna."

Luna, still with a smile despite the hedgehog's harsh tone, says; "Your secret's safe with me, Jupiter! But hey, if you ever need a little warmth, just give me a shout!"

And so, Luna becomes Jupiter's personal portable heater, accompanying him on their daring missions through extreme weathers. Whether it's a blizzard, a scorching desert, or even a torrential downpour, Luna is there to ensure Jupiter stays toasty and grumpy-free.

...A while later...

Luna looks up at Jupiter. "Hey, Jupiter, feeling a bit frosty?"

Jupiter looks down at Luna with an annoyed glare. "I'm always frosty, Luna. It's my natural state."

"Well, lucky for you, I've got enough warmth to melt an iceberg!"

"Just make sure it doesn't melt my coolness along with it."

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