part 1

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Dreams pov
it's was a bright sunny day as the prison bells rung vigorously as dream, Conner, Ranboo, Phil and technoblade has escaped the prison. After the Ranboo incident had occured; dream had been taken to technoblades estate in the east where the snow lied covering the ground of the first harsh winter of the season. Dreams limp broke and abused body being carried in technoblades arms, yes the 2 were rivals but during prison they had grown quite fond of one another in a friendly way. Dream lied on the couch, unconscious from the healing potions. Body all bandaged up, his bloody guts practically leaked out the gash in his side. Blood seeping through the cloth. Quite the surprise the man wasn't dead to be honest. Quite the surprise. Days turned into weeks turned into months yet dream was still unconscious. One day, one very memorable and precious day dream finally woke up from his coma. The group estatic that he lived! He was on his last life anyways and only punz could revive him due to the knowledge punz had and the fact he had the book anyways. A few days of preparation dream set off on a journey to his home. An underground tunnel labyrinth he had designed and made himself. He found himself escaping from Quackity, panick attack arose once he got inside, realizing the place had been stashed through and all torn apart, he was horrified. No where to hide he hid under some rubble as he cried, sobbed and shook violently. He tried calming his breath but he could. He really couldn't he was so out of it. Scared Quackity would find him. Send him back to the prison. KILL him for petes sake!

Quackitys pov
Quackity had completely ransacked dream little labyrinth. He tore apart walls, left his bed scratched and flipped over, even had gone through his chests, finding some...interesting things that he took in a bag, resolving to deal with the small problem he had seeing the items later. He felt a high on par with fucking heroine while he tore up that damn underground base. He felt like destruction incarcerated while he wrecked the place, leaving and finding dream a little later, chasing him with his axe. When he saw dream escape, he already knew where he would be going. He calmly made his way over to where he found dreams base, making his way down to find his previous carnage. Looking at the havoc he had brought onto the walls and carpets was a fucking high, the adrenaline already seeping into his veins. A manic grin had already found itself on his face when he heard what sounded like crying coming down a corridor to his left. Bingo.Like a hunter that found its prey, quackity slowly made his way down the corridor, taking a left, then straight, then right, right again, left, keeping his trail towards the sound of the sobbing. It was dreams bedroom. He made his way in calmly and slowly, not daring to make a single noise. He quickly assessed where the crying came from, under some rubble from the wall. His grin grew wider as he let the ends of his fingers sharpen, forming claws. He stalked slowly towards the rubble before moving it and pouncing on dream, pinning to the floor by straddling his waist and grabbing onto his hoodie collar with one of his clawed hands. He erupted into incohearent screams and yells, setting his backpack down beside where he was straddling dream. He opted to let go of dreams collar, letting the back of his head head thump against the hard ground before pinning dreams wrists above his head, sinking his claws slightly into dreams forearm and dragging his claw down the arm slowly, muttering something incoherent, probably about how he was going to completely wreck dream, unaware of the double meaning it could have

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