Yeonjuns pov-

"Ok boys, we're going back up to our rooms. Come get us or text us if you need us. Our room numbers are 143 and 148" I stated as I began walking off to the elevator leaving my younger brother Kai and beomgyu my assistant coach behind

I got in the elevator holding the door for the assistant manager " can you go any slower??" I asked sarcastically

"I'm going, Jesus calm down" beomgyu said rolling his eyes

Beomgyu began fast walking to the elevator until he got there and received a soft punch to the arms from me

"You took forever." I said as he pushed the 4 on the pad

"I literally took 30 seconds. Sorry I'm not a fricken basketball player" Beomgyu said as he leaned back on the rails rolling his eyes

"Whatever" I said stepping off the elevator

"I'll see you later beom, text me if you need me" I said opening the door to his hotel ready to head to bed

I walk over to my bed and get ready to get in it till I realizes someone's in his bed

"WHO ARE YOU!?!" I yelled making the boy in my bed to jump up from the bed

"Omg, I guess they didn't tell you... the airport booked everyone who's flight got canceled at this hotel and me and my friend have to share rooms with two strangers..." the boy said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

Once the boy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as we made eye contact

Immediately I realized he was the cute boy from the elevator earlier and he was with that one boy beomgyu thought was cute

"Didn't me and my friend run into you and your friend earlier??" I asked

"Yea, I think we did. Sorry about that" the boy said with his head down

"So, your telling me that we have to share this room and bed??" I said annoyed

"Y-yea.." the boy said putting his head down

"I'll sleep in the floor though. You can have the bed.." the boy said as he grabbed a pillow

"No no it's fine I'll just go sleep with my fri-" i got interrupted by a phone call from beomgyu

"Hey yeonjun, so did you know that I was gonna have to share my room??" Beomgyu whispered on the other line

"No, I do too and I was gonna come sleep in your room but I guess that's out of the question now-" I said annoyed once again

"Yea, atleast we sleep separate right??" Beomgyu said trying to make it a little better

"Maybe you do but I don't" I said

"Dang bro, sucks for you. I'm going to bed now! Goodnight!" Beomgyu said hanging up the phone making me very very annoyed

"I- I'm S-sorry" he said

"It's fine. And you don't need to sleep in the floor. That would just be silly." I said

"A-are you s-sure?" He said

"Yea" I said reassuring the cute boy infront of me

"Sooo, when did you get here??" I asked

"I-I got here around 3" he said looking at the clock to see it was already 8pm

"Oh ok!" I said sitting down on the bed

"Do you want me to sleep somewhere else? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable.." he said playing with his fingers

"Yes hon, you can sleep here" I Said patting the bed signaling the boy to sit down

"By the way what's your name??" The boy asked noticeably nervous

"I'm shocked you don't know my name" I said chuckling

"My names Choi yeonjun, coach of one of the best basketball teams in Korea. What's your name?" I asked

"My names Choi soobin, I work at the best car shop in Busan." Soobin said with a slight smile

"Well, nice to meet you soobin" I said extending my hand to shake the boys hand

"So tell me more about yourself soobin, how old are you? What's your sexuality? Why are you here in Thai land?" I asked

"I'm 22, gay, and on vacation with a friend" soobin said

"Now you tell me the answers to the same questions you asked me" soobin said smiling

"I'm 23, bi, and basketball game" I stated

"Well, isn't that funny" soobin said laughing

"What do you mean??" I said confused

"Your bi and I'm gay" soobin said

"Yea it is, especially since your really cute" I said smirking

Soobin immediately turned to me with the 'excuse me?? Did I hear that right??' Look

"Yea, you heard me. You. Are. Fricken. Adorable." I said making soobin a blushing mess

"Y-y'know your kinda hot too" soobin said smirking

Now it was his turn to make the older blush

"I- uh, T-thank you..." I said hiding my face

How has your day been?
Have you eaten? If not please do!!
Have a good day/night!!

Fate struck the airport ||| yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now