(A couple of hours passed and it was now midnight) (the boys talked for 4 hours straight)

Third person point of view -

"Okay, I need to smoke. You wanna come?" Yeonjun asked

"S- sure" soobin said know well enough that seeing hot men who smoked was his biggest weakness

"Okay, well c'monnn" yeonjun said pulling the boy up

"Ughhhh, give me a second" soobin said slowly walking

"Am I gonna have to carry you??" Yeonjun said

"I- uh- y-you can..." soobin said putting his head down

"Okay, get on my back then." Yeonjun said bending down so the younger could get on his back

" get on luv" yeonjun said not realizing the name slipped out

"Omg, I didn't mean to say that.." yeonjun said embarrassed

"It's fine, I like pet names" soobin said winking

"Ohhh you do hm?" Yeonjun said teasingly

"NoOOoooOo" soobin siad chuckling at himself

"Okay, get on my back so we can go luv" yeonjun said smirking

"Okayyy" soobin said hopping on the olders back

"Thank you yeonjun hyung" soobin said putting his head in the crook of yeonjuns neck

"Stop being so cuteee" yeonjun said making soobin look up in confusion

"What do you mean??? I've not done anything!" Soobin in self defense

"First, your cute smile then, your laugh then, you saying you like pet names then, you wanting me to carry you then, you doing that!! I can't fall in love with a boy I just metttt" yeonjun said groaning as he went to push the button

"Wait! Let me push ittt" soobin said making the older chuckle at the boy actions

"Okay baby" yeonjun said squating down so the cute boy could press the button

"Stop using pet names or imma 'accidentally' fall in love with you" soobin said as he pressed the button

"Welp that's ok! Cause your cute" yeonjun siad laughing at the boy

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you" soobin said warning the boy

The two boys stepped onto the elevator as it took them down to the first floor the boys walked out to the curb and yeonjun lit a cigarette

"Do you want one??" Yeonjun asked

"No, I don't smoke" soobins said as he looked at them boy

He looked the boy up and down and just set there and starred at him

"Soobin!?! Are you good??" Yeonjun asked worried

"Oh yea, I'm fine. Other then the fact your hot" soobin said whispering the last part

"I heard that" yeonjun said smirking as he walked over to the boy and kissed him on the cheek

Soobin just sat there with his mouth wide open for a few seconds processing this

"Wha- what was that for???" Soobin said now red as a rose

"For you calling me hot" yeonjun said as he picked soobin up

Now Soobins hand we're around his neck and his legs were rapped around his waist

Now both the boys were blushing messes

"Are you ready for bed now bub?" Soobin asked as he yawned

"Yes luv, come on let's go to bed" yeonjun said as heard soft snores

He carried soobin to elevator and to they're room

He slowly put soobin on the bed and covered him up trying not to wake the sleeping bunny but soon realized he failed when he heard the boy

"Hyungg, can we cuddle?" Soobin said in a soft tired voice

"Yes luv, let me change then we can cuddle" yeonjun said getting clothes from his suitcase

"Okayyy" soobin said flustered

Yeonjun went and changed when he came out he seen a cute soobin playing games on his phone not paying attention

Yeonjun quietly tiptoed to his bedside and extremely quiet and easily he got in the bed and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist making the boy jump at first but calm down quickly

"Are you ready for bed little one?" Yeonjun whispered in soobin ear

"Yes" soobin said as he turned his phone off and turned around to cuddle into yeonjuns chest as they fell asleep

Soobin didn't know why, but for some reason even though he only met the boy hours ago he made him feel this type of comfort he had never felt before

How has your day been?
Have you eaten? If not please do!!
Have a good day/night!!

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