Jaden's panic attack

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Today you were at Jaden's baseball game when all of a sudden something bad happened. Jaden collapsed on the field. No one knew what was going on. Even though you couldn't go on the field, you still did and ran out to Jaden.

"Move, you said, pushing people away from Jaden. Jaden, oh my god, what happened? you said. "I can't breathe, Jaden said, and then you knew he was having a panic attack. "Guys, he's having a panic attack. Give him some space, you said.

Everyone backed up, and you tried to sit Jaden up. "Okay, give him air. You took off his helmet so he couldn't breathe. Jaden sat up and hugged you, and even though he was sweaty and dirty, you didn't care. Are you okay? you asked. "Better now that you're here."

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