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My thoughts are clustered...

I had a partner in my past, we met when we were both young...too young and naive about 20/21. We escaped our home world as it was trashed during the Empire. We were nomads wandering around with no place to go, but together we were home. We then took a job from a bounty hunter. Earning credits for food and shelter. I was the gunner of course, modifying weapons, selling them off. While my partner was a knife thrower, very skilled, he snuck up behind them and cut away at the money sacks a and even a throat. He was sensitive like I was. That is why we knew things before they could happen. We agreed that we were only taking this job for a short while. We will kill our boss, take the money he has held up and live our best lives. The war was over, there wasn't anything else to do but be free.

Then there was an attack, we were in a tight alleyway that had a dead end. There was a man that was too quick for the both of us in a standoff with him. I couldn't catch his name although he was different, his eyes a glowing red and his skin blue. He wore a brimmed hat. His blaster fired first, the blast was blocked by my partner. He died in my arms protecting me and the man slipped away. I couldn't track him to kill him though I was on the search for others that may have worked for him. Again nothing, I still worked for my boss until the point I had enough he wasn't paying a fair share. I shot him while running off with whatever I could.

"It should've been me." I kept telling myself,

Ever since then my mind goes back to that place, I understand how she feels. I understand her ache. I felt it for so long until I met Ren, and joined the knights. But I was never really whole. I just once again worked under someone. Killing. Stealing. Feeding off the anger and the rage. My force sensitivity grew stronger after each kill


A twig snapped as my hand flew to my blaster ready to aim fire on a curious juvenile goat that belated loudly. The deaths of Ushar , Aplek, and Cardo have been hard on me to say the least. I've been jumpy lately. More alert on my surroundings.

I sat by the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea, the gray waves crashed against the chalk thinking what would happen if I jumped into these violent tides. Remove that thought Kuruk and so I did my brothers needed me. Earlier today, I was busy collecting samples to scan when I noticed an odd substance, a bacterial growth. It seemed to start with vegetation, a little worm of some sort ruining the edible plants. Invasive as it breeds fast asexually but it is killing the livestock. The goats eat the spoiled grass and the worms attack their intestines, killing them. We have to be cautious of what we eat and drink for the worms to slither into our bellies. I am careful during the examinations though the question where this infestation started is unknown. Entering the cottage assigned to Vicrul that was very much warm, hearing the sounds of sex in the other room. I took a few steps to peek inside, noticing it was Vicrul and Trudgen with Y/N. They didn't spot me. I walked back to the front door, stomping my boots hard on the ground.

"Meeting in fifteen minutes." I called out, that should give them enough time,

The flame glowed, setting the kettle over the fire warming up water for the caf. Pouring a good cup having a seat at the table. Vicrul came out first then Trudgen with Y/N trailing behind I can spot love marks on her neck. They took their seats, Trudgen was the first to ask "What is it that you were going to mention Kuruk?"

I took time to think, how do I explain the situation. I told them, "the island is dying."

"What? The island is alive?" Vicrul jumped in snarkily with a short laugh,

Trudgen looked at him with irked eyes, "Vic." He became serious, sitting up straight. Y/N was quiet picking at the edge of the table. I took in a deep breath,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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