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Music thrummed throughout the streets, from cantinas, homes, and shops. This underground city was lively, whereas above on the surface, it was an atomic wasteland. The people looked to be some form of animals like moles. Pale skin, beady eyes, elongated noses. they had their own dialect, their front teeth stuck out, and they creeped me out. Though there were other alien species and a few humans that looked wrecked. Like they were damaged from the gas, they were distorted, they looked pitiful. Damn this place is giving me the ick, and I have seen some bad shit.

Following behind Kuruk and Vicrul carrying the sacks, cutting through a narrow street. Like protocol, we didn't speak unless we needed to. People watched us, and I spotted a few whispering to themselves as if they knew who we were. There were a few droids outside a shop roaming freely, Kuruk had no time kicking one out the way as it made a sound of pain. As if droids can feel pain, they aren't sentient beings.

Entering the shop, through the doors that closed behind us droid pieces, were on a conveyor belt and baskets above as they traveled through the shop. The shopkeeper was massive, more freaky looking, having an extra set of arms and these tentacles on the edge of his nose. He wore these spectacles that made his many beady eyes bigger. I felt sick looking at him

"What can I do for you men?" the man spoke in mei'lock, I picked up some of the language, but Kuruk knew it best though he wasn't in the mood for translating. Kuruk and Vicrul dumped the droid parts down on the counter.

Y/N would've enjoyed this. She could walk in here all cute pretending she was invested in a droid all to then end up slaughtering. I wish she was here.

"Unfortunately, these droids are poorly damaged, Icannot buy them." The man was arguing with Kuruk,

"Take them," Kuruk said in the salesman language. Once we start talking, it's close to trouble

"Look here." he pointed to the bb-8 unit

"The motherboard is damaged from a gun blast, and this one is just old. Nobody wants this."

Vicrul stepped in, getting close to his face, speaking basics. "It isn't about who wants it. It is a sale for money."

The salesmen knew he was in a bad spot, he spoke in basics "there is nothing I can do"

"You understand Basics?" Vic asked him,


"The parts can be recycled, can they?"

"Yes, but you've come to the wrong place. I don't have BB units. I can not buy them off from you. "

The conversation was going on too long, I could hear a speeder bike heading to the shop, the people whispering, most likely it was their police system. I whistled, knowing that was Kuruk's cue, Vicrul took his sickle from behind his back, jumping over the counter. The man's eyes were filled with fear as Vicrul cut through him. I took my weapon into my hand, ready.

Kuruk gathered any of the droid pieces and robotic parts from the belt into the sacks, along with credits. Vicrul and Kuruk went to the back. The police came through the front. I hid in a tight space as they looked around. They saw the blood on the wall. I jumped out, slashing them with my vibroclever, making my move.

The three of us ran out to the back into a yard area, and he jumped over the high fence. Dashing back to where we left the Buzzard. More guards were on our trail, shooting at us. Kuruk shot back at them. So close to Buzzard Vicrul was the fastest getting the doors opened and starting the engines. I jumped in second as Kuruk was still firing away.

Kuruk took over the piloting, firing at them, while I took hold on the cannons blasting at them. We escaped with a premature hyper jump. I slumped down on the pads in the main section, watching Vicrul piece together the droids

Under Her SpellOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant