✩ How to manifest ✩

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The key to manifesting is feeling. You feel how you would feel if your desire was fulfilled and you have sent the message to the universe (or God, Allah, gods, whatever you believe in), and they will bring it to you.

Remember: Manifestations always manifest at an unexpected time, place and way. For me, I am always not expecting it - I would never ever have guessed that it would have manifested at that time, place or way. 

So, the way to manifest is simple: Feel how it feels for your desire to be fulfilled. That's it. And once you've gotten those butterflies, or that warm feeling in your heart (the feeling can be anything really), you have manifested.

Of course, it takes time. It depends how big your desire is. If it is huge, big things take time. For example, you want to be a celebrity, well it will take longer. You know why? Because the universe will send you obstacles and experiences that will mold you into the person you need to be to be that celebrity. Perhaps you need to work on your confidence, so you will go through obstacles hardening your confidence in self. 

An example with me, is things I've asked for (asked the universe) in the past, or have manifested in the past, have come to me now. Let's talk about my van. So, a year ago I asked for a van to live in with my sister, we'd live the van life! The more time went by, the more real it seemed. Even though I did not own a van, I got more and more belief that I was going to - that I did. It became more and more real to me, that it was totally normal for me to own a van, that it's capable of happening. A year later, I own a van with my sister. It happened unexpectedly, in a strange way, and it's not even a van its a cube car looking thing! But it all worked out so perfectly. So, the more time passed by, it became more real and obtainable, because I was going through obstacles and experiences that would mold me into the version of myself that is a van owner.

Patience is virtue, one needs to be patient and faith.

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