The I am state

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If you've been trying to manifest for a while now, and it hasn't come true, read this.

Many people may think that their manifestation is not coming to fruition because it is not meant to happen, but that may not be the real reason. Even if you visualize, say daily affirmations, and stay positive, there is one thing that must happen. You need to believe in yourself. Believe that you are worthy and capable of that very thing you are manifesting. If you don't believe yourself when you say "I am rich", then you will not manifest it.

How to let go of these beliefs

"In order for something new to come in, you must let go of the past."

- Lessons with Lauren

If you want to become this new version of yourself, you have to shed your old version of yourself, which actually can be very painful emotionally. This new version of yourself that gets that manifestation doesn't have room for that old version of yourself. It's similar to photo storage on your phone; in order to take new pictures, you have to delete some old ones. There is a technique that I tried by Neville Goddard (The man in the photo above). I tried it before saying affirmations, and it worked! It's called...

The "I am" state:

The "I am" state is a state where we are neutral, the void, only consciousness. If you are a reality shifter, it is similar to the void state. It is when you are only consciousness; you are not a body, nor a human, or a name. You are your core, something that is not defined by time nor space, something that cannot change and always stays the same. A soul, awareness, or consciousness.

Step 1: Meditate

Step 2: Say "I am" in your head or aloud

Step 3: Continue until you feel limitless, free

Tip: Do not put conditions on the affirmation. (Do not say "I am Lauren" or "I am rich", only say "I am").

*That's basically my summary of it, but feel free to do further research.*

The reason why this helps is that it releases you of the conditions of the past and the future. It feels so nice and calming, and you feel free. You remember what you truly are and how limitless you are! It is so inspiring and motivating!

So yeah, that's the "I am" state of Neville Goddard! Hope you enjoyed it!

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