Part I: Meanwhile, in suburban Ohio...

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"Lilith, catch!"

Luckily, Lilith caught the ball before it smacked her right in the face. She always despised the game of "catch", mainly because of it's idiotic simplicity. She had always preferred softball, but could not join yet. After all, she just turned eleven a month ago. And she was about to go into sixth grade. Then she could finally join Hallman Middle School's softball team, the eagles. Such a basic name.
"You're lucky that you didn't hit my face," Lilith said with a sly smirk. "Or I would've hit you right back." She dribbles the basketball they were using to play catch. It was one of her brothers' old ones.
Her friend, Delilah, cackles. She had such a weird laugh but it was so familiar to Lilith. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't hit me for anything." Delilah grins. Lilith nodded because this was completely true.
"Well, I might if you keep this up." Lilith smiled, then threw the ball back to Delilah. It nearly hit her arm but she quickly caught it.
"Lilith! Come in for dinner!" Ms. Paisley yelled. She was Lilith's adoptive mother.
Lilith groaned at this news but turned to he friend. "Sorry, Del. Gotta go." She waved goodbye and ran into her house.

Her house had the kind of vibe from someone who wanted to live in Florida but got stuck in Ohio. That was the case with Ms. Paisley, since she moved her to take care of her sick mother, Lilith's Nana. There were teal blue signs everywhere that said stuff like "toes in the sand, a drink in my hand", "I <3 the beach", "the beach is my second home". There were polished marble countertops, with this very dark wood for the cabinets. The kitchen was Lilith's favorite place to chill, because it had the best air conditioning in the house. The living room had a high ceiling with a fan hanging down, and luxurious couches. Ms. Paisley came from a rich family, so she had rich people things.
"Tonight is-" Ms. Paisley started.
"Lasagna night!" Lilith finished, dashing to the table, ready for her favorite food ever. She stopped in the middle of her sprint, taking her shoes off and placing them on their shoe rack, then ran the rest of the way to the table. This made Ms. Paisley smile a bit.
"Tuesdays are always our lasagna days, Lilith." Ms. Paisley chuckled a little. Lilith sat in her usual spot, the chair to the left of Ms. Paisley's, waiting not-so patiently for Ms. Paisley to scoop some lasagna from her large dish onto her plate. Ms. Paisley was one of the "well- mannered" rich people. Well, except when she watched Ru-Paul's drag race. She went crazy when her favorite drag queens were kicked off and cackled when the "evil little gremlins" had to sashay away.
The second Ms. Paisley sat down and picked up her fork, Lilith started chowing down on her lasagna. Ms. Paisley politely reminded Lilith to "eat like a lady", which only made Lilith slow down a little, which seemed to be good enough for Ms. Paisley.
Halfway through dinner, Lilith heard a knock on the door. She got up to answer it. She looked through the peephole and saw (not much to her surprise, due to the neighbor's kids who like to go ding-dong-ditching) nobody there. She opened the door. Still, no one there.
"Ms. Paisley I think it was just the neighbor's ki-" Lilith stopped in the middle of her sentence. There was an envelope on the porch with her name. The front read:

Lilith Johnson,
5634 Pearson Dr.
Upstairs, to the left, second room on the right

On the back had the name of a place she had never heard before: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Is this a joke? Lilith wondered, shoving the letter in her hoodie so Ms. Paisley wouldn't see. She walked back to the dinner table.
"What was it, dear?" Ms. Paisley asked, curious of what happened.
Lilith considered showing her the letter. But she would just laugh at me, Lilith thought.
"Nothing. Just another ding-dong-ditcher."

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