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(Guys im so frucking bored rn help)

"Good morning, mate. My name is Canada. I love cats. Same with the rest of my family. They are America/USA, Britian, France, New Zealand and Australia.

Well, I mean, some of them aren't exactly that big of cat fans. Like Australia. Australia likes HUGE spiders better. He's the only one I know that likes spiders. Especially of that size.

Moving on from Australia's spiders, America's favorite animal is a dog. Even though he is both a cat and dog lover, he likes dogs ever so slightly more.

Dad's favorite is also dogs. Everyone here is either a freak, looking at you, Australia, or they like dogs. Dad is a caring man, he cares for other animals, he just likes dogs the most.

New Zealand's favorite is cats. Maybe that's why he's one of my favorite siblings. Dogs are his second favorite.

Shockingly, mom likes fish, cats, dogs, and rodents. Fish is her favorite with cats taking second and dogs in third.

And if you're wondering why I had to tell you this, I honestly don't know. I just thought it would be fun to tell you all about my school project.

 It was some assignment for math where I had to gather some information about people's favorite animals and then put it on a graph.

Boring, right?

So to keep you entertained, we can talk about something else. How about my school? I heard you're going to be going there soon, Ukraine." Canada says, recording himself while talking.

Just then, he heard a knock on his door. 

"Oh- Uhm, we can talk about it in a second-" he says, ending the video.

"Yes?" he called out. "Yo, just me, America." the person outside responded. He and America shared a room.

"Yeah, come in." he told him, sending the video to Ukraine. he and Ukraine had been good friends ever since Ukraine and his family visited a couple of years ago.

"So.. Uh, who ya talking to?" America says, taking off his sunglasses. "Ukraine." he responded. "Ooooh~ You sure do love that Ukraine boy, don't you~" he teased Canada.

"I-Uh-No! You don't understand and you wouldn't!" Canada said. He was furious. Just then, his phone vibrated. He was getting a call from Ukraine.

"Well, well, well~ Looks like it's your little boyfriend!" America says, snickering at his remark. Canada picked up his phone.

 Canada was about to decline the call, but America grabbed the phone from his hand and made him answer.

"Ame!  Noooo" Canada says. "And plus, you have no experience with relationships at all!"

"Neither do you, Can." America says, holding the phone up to Canada's face. "Come on, talk to your boyfriend."

"Hello? Nada? Can you hear me?" Ukraine's soft voice spoke from the phone. 

"Oh- Yeah, sorry- So.. uh, how are you right now, uh, Ukraine?" Canada asks, trying to think of a wholesome nickname for Ukraine.

"Oh- Uh, I'm good." Ukraine says. He had heard America's voice earlier. It was awkward to talk with his crush while his crush's brother was in the room.

"I think that's my cue to lea-" America begins. "Wait, wait, wait! Do you and your family want to.. c-come over?" Ukraine interrupts.

"Of course! It would be a great idea to let you guys see each other. But once they move into their house, of course. We mustn't disturb them, not whilst they are packing." Britain says.

Canada perks up when he hears his dad's voice. "Dad!? What are you doing?" Canada says. 

"Oh, me? I'm just here to get you two to come downstairs for supper. I've been calling you two for 5 minutes now!" he said. "Alright, dad."

"Bye Ukraine!"

"See you soon Nada!" 

Canada was hyper at the fact that he could see Ukraine every day if he wanted to very soon. Who knows, maybe he could even get some more people in his household to like the Russian family.

Canada and America were racing to see who could get downstairs faster. America had won. "You know, you're pretty fast for an American."


"Oh, shut up, Canada! That wasn't funny or  original!!" New Zealand says. Now all the kids but, Australia, were fighting. 

"Oh shut up." Australia says, fed up with their bullshit. Everyone turns their heads to him. "Nah". After that, they all started having normal conversations.

This is very common for them. They're all fighting until someone says something, then they start having normal conversation. 

"Why do  we always do this?" New Zealand asks.

"What do you mean?" Canada says.

"Why do we always fight?" New Zealand rephrases his question. "Eh, it's fun and in the end, we are still friends soo.. yea." America says monotonously, not really caring.

He just wanted to eat and get back upstairs. He just wanted to sleep.

While New Zealand and Australia were talking, Canada nudged America. 

"What?" he says, kind of pissed off now. "I'm gonna ask Ukraine for his brother's number so you and his brother can talk."

"Doesn't he only have Belarus?" America says, wondering who the other one is. 

"No, there's some other guy. What was it again?" Canada says. At this point, America could tell Canada was faking his confusion.

"Can, I know you know who it is, just tell me." America says, finishing his food. Canada smirks. 

"Are you sure? I don't really think he's your type." Canada says, snickering. New Zealand and Australia hear Canada's remark. 

They, too, find it funny, unlike the confused and pissed off American. "Just tell me!" America says. He was filled with rage. 

"Hmm.. What was his name? Like, USSR.. or something?" Canada says in between laughs. 

America only got angrier. He stormed upstairs. When he made it up the stairs, he navigated his way to his and Canada's room.

He opened the door and closed it, wanting to slam it. He didn't, though, because if he did, Britain would be more pissed off than he is right now.

He sighed and sat on his bed, playing free games he bought a while ago. Just then, he realized who Canada meant.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." America says. It can't be. There's no way anyone would expect him and that.. freak  to get along. No way in hell would they.

"No, no, Ame. You're wrong. It can't possibly be.."

A/N: heyy how r yall ',:)

Soooooo uhhh this was kinda rushed but it only took me a day wheehee

Also the character will be revealed next chapter

Even though it's very obvious who it is because this is an ultimate ship-post

This is the first chapter (Nahh jit ain't even got a prologue) and it has 1078 words

so bye  :)

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