Home (part 3)

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There's a knock on Tubbo's door. He gets up and answers it. Tommy and wilbur walk in. "Hey Tubbo!" Tom says. "Hey Tom, hey Wilbur." Tubbo says, causing Wilbur to wave to both Tubbo and Ranboo. "Oh right!!! This's Ranboo!" Tubbo exclaims, pulling Ranboo up by their arm. Wilbur walks up and shakes Ranboo's hand. Ranboo is obviously nervous. "How are you, Ranboo?" Wilbur asks. "I'm good, you?" They ask, trying to act more confident. "I'm great." Wilbur says, lighting his cigarette. "Fuck you, not in my room!" Tubbo coughs, yelling at Wilbur. Tommy starts coughing too. "Not in the house!" Tommy yells. "Ranboo, how are you not coughing..?!" He asks frantically. "I don't breathe air, I'm half enderman." Ranboo says. "Cool! You know, I've heard about you! Tubbo was talking about you!" Tom says, trying to bother Tubbo. Tubbo blushes. "Stop!" He yells. Tommy laughs at him and ranboo chuckles. "I've actually heard about you too." They say. Tommy stops laughing slightly but not seriously. "You have!!?? Tubbo talks about me!?" Tom yells. Ranboo nods. "Although, I cant remember why." They say, shrugging. "Oh yeah, enderman have pretty bad memory, dont they?" Will asks. Ranboo nods. "We were actually talking about how you two both like Alliums." Tubbo says. Ranboo looks in their inventory and pulls out an Allium. They give the flower to Tommy and Tommy grins widely. "Thank you big man!!" Tommy yells. "You got a good one Tob." He whispers Tubbo's ear. He blushes and gets all flustered. "Stop it bitch!" Tubbo yells. "What? You did!" He says. Wilbur rolls his eyes and blew smoke out of his mouth. "I told you to stop doing that in my room!" Tubbo yells. Wilbur sticks his tounge out and walks out of Tubbo's room. "Wanna hang out with us Tom?" He asks. Tommy shrugs. "Sure!"


A few hours later, Tommy goes back to his room, and Ranboo and tubbo find out where to sleep. They decided that Ranboo can sleep on the floor and Tubbo sleep on his bed. "Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor?" He asks, worriedly. They shrug. "I'll be fine. We barely slept in the end. "Oh really?" Tubbo was so amazed by all of Ranboo's interesting customs and hobbies because of his race. He could listen to Ranboo for hours on end (get my pun lol) just to hear their voice. But not like, a crush, or anything. Just friends.


In the morning, Tubbo wakes up and Ranboo is already gone. He scrambles out of bed and runs downstairs. "Da? Have you seen Ran?" Tubbo asks frantically. Phil laughs. "Yeah, they went outside. I think they said they were going to the flower field." Phil says. Tubbo smiles. It's like they knew he was going to ask.


Ranboo was outside, admiring some Alliums when a bee flew on the flower. "Oh, hey there!" They exclaim. "What are you?" They giggle. Tubbo runs up and the bee immediately flies to him. "Hey Ranboo! Oh! A bee! I love bees so much!!" He yells. Ranboo chuckles. They think Tubbo is so cute. Tubbo finds Ranboo staring at him and he chuckles. "Ranboo, why are you staring staring at me?" Tubbo asks. They quickly look away to hide the purple dusty blush now imprinted on their face. "I just think it's cool that you're like, a bee whisperer or something.." They chuckle. "To be honest, that's rather offensive." Tubbo teases. Ranboo looks down. "Oh sorry I uh-" "I'd rather be labeled as a bee myself." Tubbo jokes, giggling. "I thought I actually did something wrong." They say. "You did!" He yells, giggling. "Whatever.." They're both silent for a moment. "Where will you sleep tonight?" Tubbo asks. "I mean, you're always free to stay at my house but I feel like you'd rather not spend another night with my brothers." He says, laughing. "Hm.. I mean, I could buy a house here?"

(Btw ik that I'm fucking up the timeline but who cares lol)

"Oh my god yes! That's like, the best fucking idea! I hereby declare you a discount, and personal help with your house from the president!" Tubbo exclaims. "Yeah, right." Ranboo says, rolling their eyes. "Wait, you didn't know?" Tubbo asks. "What? What didn't I know?" They ask. Tubbo laughs. "James Toby Smith. President of L'manberg." He says, slightly stimming with his badge. "Wha- for real?" They ask. He nods. "Sure, I'll help you with it." He says, giggling. "I don't have enough money, I mean it'll ofcourse take a moment." They say, laughing. "I like to mine though, sure. I mean, there's not alot of anything in the end, literally." They say. "I'm sure you'd get alot of money from something like that! Plus, I think there's a free house for sale so maybe we could like live in it together!" Tubbo says. "I don't think my dad will have a problem with that." He laughs. "He's not exactly with l'manberg." He says. "But the taxes?" Ranboo says. "Who gives a shit about the taxes. We'll make it work." Tubbo says. "Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but don't marriages help with taxes?" Ranboo says. Tubbo blushes. "Well, yes, but..." He starts. "Well, why don't we just get married? I know it sounds weird, but it'll just be like, not love or anything, but just for taxes." Ranboo says. "Uh.."

900 words

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