Forgotten mistakes (part 5)

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Tubbo's life had been changed. Changed, by a tall enderman. Who knew?
When Tubbo would grow up with either be with Schlatt, or Phil. Tubbo had enjoyed living with Schlatt. Until he drank.
Schlatt would blame Tubbo for of the stress that he was undergoing. "please dont yell! Don't drink it.. p-please..!!" Tubbo whimpered, cowering from the drunk. "This is your Goddamned fault. You are so needy and attention seeking." Schlatt would scold.
When schlatt left Tubbo on the street, they had both felt satisfied. Tubbo, no longer a mistake, a burden. Schlatt, just didn't want to have the responsibility. Schlatt loved Tubbo, and it's still arguable that he does, but Schlatt was scared that he was doing something wrong. And as most, Schlatt ran from his fears.

"Tubbo.. you okay?" Ranboo murmurs, wondering why Tubbo was sort of just staring into nothing. "Uh yeah- I was just thinking. About.. something." Tubbo seems to shake it off. Though, he still stayed quiet, worried about the war, l'manberg, and schlatt. With the new election, Tubbo had been worried about well, the worst.
Tubbo new he wouldn't actually win the election. He tried and tried. He could never stop fighting.
"You sure..?" Ranboo asked once again, seeing as his husband was clearly worried about something. Ranboo knew it. And Tubbo knew that Ranboo knew. "It's nothing boo I- I just-" Tubbo pauses, sighing. "Scared about the election..?" Ranboo murmurs. "Y-yeah.. what if- what'll happen? What's going to happen Ranboo!?" Tubbo raises his voice in fear, tears running down his cheek. "I- It's not fair for me to say something because I'm not right.. who knows what that.. sicko will do?" Ranboo starts. "There is one thing I can promise. I love you no matter what, okay?" Ranboo speaks in a soft tone, trying to calm Tubbo down. "Okay.." Ranboo wipes Tubbo's tears off with his sleeve, careful not to touch them. "I think you need some rest, love." Ranboo kisses Tubbo's cheek. "What I need is to work on these papers." Tubbo groans. Ofcourse, Tubbo didn't want to do the paper work but he also didn't want the government to be overthrown by his abusive, drunk, and neglecting father. Especially since Tubbo was a pretty important part of l'manberg. Ranboo sighed. "To hell with those papers. You'll work yourself to death-!" Ranboo sighs, this time in concern. "And- well... I need you.. like... really need you.." they say. "Okay.." Tubbo murmured, rubbing his eyes. "Goodnight Tubbo." "Goodnight boo."

"⊬⍜⎍'⌰⌰ ⋏⟒⎐⟒⍀ ⋔⏃☍⟒ ⟟⏁ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⌇." That's what Ranboo's mother always said. "You'll never make it like this." They were raised to be a good king. A ruler. Ranboo sighed as they went outside to clear their thoughts. They felt the brisk air of winter approaching. They had things to worry about too. They told their mother that they would be back within a month or two. It's been close to 8 months now. Hopefully their mother didn't think they were dead or something.
Ranboo had been feeling unusually happy. Happy with their life. Not as if they had hated their previous years, they just loved not needing to be a prince all the time. While they still had responsibilities, they didn't have as many things to worry about. To be honest, they really enjoyed living in l'manberg.
550 words

Sorry if this was a filler chapter, I've been really busy lately 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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