Chapter 35

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"Kendra was there, illuminated from within like a flame inside a lantern," Antony said. "Light washed over the ruins—not daylight, but a bright violet glow that erupted from the ground. It spilled out, filling the cavern. And then she looked to the ceiling, and the light formed a pillar, growing taller until it bored into the rock. The last thing I saw before I woke was Kendra, pointing upward as the ceiling cracked." He sat beside Seph in holographic form, his knees tucked into his chest. "Strange as it was, I found it comforting to see her."

Seph leaned back against the couch, blowing out a slow breath through his teeth. "Yeah. You thinking about her lately?"

He nodded. "I'm not surprised she showed up in my dreams." He paused. "She had so few living relatives. Bria put us in touch, and I offered my condolences, but I didn't hear anything else from them."

"I checked the obituaries on her home planet, but I never saw her listed," Seph said.

Antony tucked his arm against his torso, drumming on his ribcage. "I hate funerals, but I think it would have helped to know she had one."

"I understand. I think—" There was a knock, and Seph's eyes snapped to the door.

"What is it?"

"Someone's at my door. I'm sorry, would you give me a moment?"

Bria stood outside his hotel room, wearing her short tan coat. She folded her hands, her expression tense.


"What brings you here?"

"I regret what I said in our last conversation, and I want to apologize."

His eyebrows quirked upward before he could keep the surprise from showing on his face. "I ... owe you an apology as well. There were things I wanted to say, but my anxiety got the better of me, and it didn't make for a productive conversation."

"Can I come in?"

"You can, but I'm talking to Antony."

"Thought I heard Bria," he said as they entered the room. "Hey."

She stood across from Seph, body angled toward him and Antony's hologram. Her shoulders were hunched, rendering her small and defeated. "I didn't expect to speak with both of you, but Antony, you deserve to hear this."

His expression was attentive as he nodded, sending a ripple through the dots of light that made up his hologram.

"I am aware my demeanor lacks the warmth and friendliness that seem to come more easily to others," she said. "I don't want you to think that means I was unaffected by what happened during our expedition. It has weighed on my mind, and yes, it is easier for me to turn to my work than to rest. That does not change the fact that I feel miserable about what happened to Kendra and to you, Antony."

She paused, waiting for his response, and he leaned back, staring at the ceiling. The silence lengthened and then halted at the edge of being uncomfortable. "What happened in the ruins was outside our understanding, and it's not your fault," he said. "I appreciate now that you showed concern in your own way—working through my medical documentation. Whatever you did, my compensation came a lot faster than I expected."

"It felt like the only way I could help," she said. "I doubted I would be much use to you back on the medical ship. I'm glad you two have been able to support each other."

"Me too," Antony said, shooting Seph a quick grin. He turned back to Bria. "Far as I'm concerned, you and I are good. We're even. There's one thing bothering me, though. Did Kendra's family ever have a funeral?"

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