Chapter 27

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Aara Alyse Lenore

I sat my desk as I completed school work and also some designs as I stared at this fabric trying to decide what I wanted to do for this. It was beautiful and I had no clue how to design it just yet.

Me and Ciana planned on releasing our new collection and right now it was now june and we planned on releasing in September . Which was actually spring my due date, we already picked the venue where we were having the fashion show. We were still in the process of finding more models but we were still late with designs due to all this bullshit that been happening and with my unexpected pregnancy.

So now things were a little behind but I been back on track which was good for me

I heard a knock on my door as I sighed as started to get comfortable for a minute getting up walking out of my office towards the door looking through the peephole seeing Lena and Jela

I opened the door to be greet by their big smiles causing me to smile back giving them hugs

"Hey baby momma!"

"Or Hey sis in law" Jela added as I gave her the eye "I'm sorry I'm trying to get used to everything still my bad too soon" She said as I chuckled before letting them in closing the door and we all got on the couch

"Hey guys, what's going on" I asked as they both sat down as well.

Every since all of that happened at their house we kind of took some space apart, it wasn't no bad bad or energy it was more so we didn't know how to really communicate after the situation then happened. They just found out they became friends with theirs brothers baby mother while I just found out I became friends with my baby father who did what he did

The situation was very awkward and yet unexpected

"We just missed you and Ciana, where she at?" Lena asked

"She had to handle some things today so it's just me " I said leaving out her going talk to Trey because that's her business and definitely not one to tell

"Okay so we were feeling bad about everything that happened that day" Jela said as I shook my head

"No you guys have nothing to apologize for"

"Yeah but that is our brother and what he did was very unacceptable. If we would've knew you were talking about him he definitely was going to get it and I told my momma too" Lena said causing me to bust out laughing that she told her mother on this grown ass man

"You didn't have to do that" I said still chuckling to myself

"Yes we did, he knows better than that especially since he never been in a real relationship in his life not to mention doing this on the mother of your child??? My momma slapped the fuck out of him too" Jela said serious as hell as I covered my mouth

"Are you guys serious??" I asked really concerned yet still laughing as they both nodded

"Hell yeah. He knows we don't play that. Speaking of momma wants to meet you but whenever you're ready of course" Jela said as Lena nodded in agreement

I had no problem meeting their mother at all. I was carrying her grandchild and definitely wasn't going to keep that away from her. From what I hear about her from Lena and Jela she dont play but she is the sweetest women you'd ever know and I wanted to meet her because of that

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