Chapter 4

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Lillee's POV
I see Rider and attempt to follow him. I lost track of him and conclusively gave up. I stand by the entrance, expecting to see him and Hail anytime, but the image I had in my head was utterly incorrect. I see Rider come out carrying an unconscious Hailflower in his arms, with Daniel and Peter right behind. I stare at them with horror, waiting for someone to explain what happened, but they did not say a word.

"Daniel, Peter get in Lillee's car," Rider commanded without consulting me.

"Don't we need to call an ambulance?!" I blurted out.

He carefully puts Hail in his vehicle while saying, "Daniel already did, and they are expecting our arrival. Now get in the car and follow, or you can go home with those idiots."

We did as we were told, got into my car, and followed Rider. Did they not have their cars here? Why did he call them idiots? Well, scratch that, I already knew why. Anyway, will Hailflower be all right? Seriously, what the heck is going on?!

When we got in the car, I break the silence immediately.

"Is one of you two going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have an anxiety attack?" I ask impatiently, glancing at them through my car mirror.

"Rider told us to wait until we got to the hospital if you chose to follow him," Peter said, looking out the window.

What I do not understand was why they seemed to have been scared of Rider, I mean I get why Peter was, but Daniel? Daniel, being scared of Rider, frightened me. What had happened? What did they do to make Rider so enraged? Did they do something to Hailflower? No, they would never hurt Hail... right? Even if they did, they most likely did not do it on purpose, or did they? No. Stop. They would never hurt her on purpose!

All these questions were swirling around my head. I wanted the explanation, and I wanted it now. When we finally got to the hospital, I was the first to step into the building. I needed to know what happened soon before I lost it.

I walk up to the nurse at the desk and say, "Hello, I am looking for Hailflower Rose Hayes."

"Let me see," she politely says, "It looks like she just got situated in a room. Are you a family member?"

"No, I am not, but I am her closest friend, and I know her brother. He has some explaining to do," I say quickly and impatiently.

"I am sorry ma'am, but it is past visiting hours. Mr. Hayes is the only one allowed in there for right now. Please wait, and I will have someone message him that his friends are here," she says kindly but fatigued. She calls another nurse and continues typing on her computer, ignoring me.

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