004. Secret Magical Ice Lake Base

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I haven't posted in a while. Not sure why, just haven't had the motivation to write anything recently. I haven't had the motivation to do anything tbh. Anyway, enjoy the chapter, sorry it took so long :)


"Is that really all you can do?" Loki and I are outside, surrounded by trees. I can barely see his little cottage in the distance. I gape at Loki.

"You don't think that's impressive," I mock clutch my heart- genuinely hurt. Loki just nods his head. He's leaning against the tree, dressed in a casual long-sleeved shirt and gray sweatpants. It's such a stark contrast to what he usually wears that I can barely recognise him. His oily, black hair is tied back in a bun with a few strands framing his face. It's actually unfair how good he looks without even trying. "Way to crush my ego," I mutter, falling to the ground. I had just shown Loki the extent of my powers and I thought I had actually done fairly well, but apparently not.

"Compared to what I know you can do, this is nothing," Loki says. I look up to see him walking over. Once close enough he squats so he's closer to my height. "Get up and let's start training."

"Fine," I huff. Using his shoulders to stand up, I try my best to hide my grin at his shocked expression. Loki clears his throat.

"Ok, so, you shoot beams out of your hands," He begins. I nod my head. "Can you control it in any other ways? Other than using ice as bullets, can you make a snowball?"

"Do you have snow nearby?" I raise an eyebrow. Loki rolls his eyes.

"I'll take you there, come on," He says and starts walking in a direction that'll take us further away from the house. I stand there in shock for a few seconds before running to catch up with him.

"You just have a secret ice lake or something? It's the middle of summer."

"You'll see," he smirks and continues walking really fast so I almost have to jog to keep up with him.


After walking for what seems like hours we finally arrive.

"It's a wall," I deadpan, staring at the rocky wall that reaches so high up to the point I can't even see the top. I glance at Loki who wears a smug look.

"But is it really?" He says, staring up at the wall with his hands resting on his torso.

"Seriously? We're going to play this game?" I say, exasperated. I glare at the wall. "Don't see how this is in any way helpful, I thought you were going to help me with my powers," I grumble. Loki looks at me with an amused smile. He then waves his hand towards the wall and suddenly, it's not a wall anymore. My mouth falls open as I watch the wall disappear with wisps of green magic. What was once a wall is now an entrance to a cave with blue light.

"You'd better shut your mouth, or are you trying to catch flies?" Loki smirks over at me and begins walking towards the cave entrance. I snap my mouth close, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment and run to catch up to him.

I stare up in awe at the cave walls, which were illuminated with a blue hue. I touched my hand to the wall and it was freezing, like ice. I draw back my hand and nearly run into an icicle. Luckily Loki was there to pull me out of the way. My face flushes and I quickly pull out of his grip. How much more can I embarrass myself? I continue staring at the walls leading us down a hallway and after a few minutes it widens out into a large cave. I freeze in shock. The cave is huge, surrounded by the same icy walls with icicles hanging down from the roof. But what really catches my attention is the large body of water in the middle of the cave. It shone a bright blue and didn't even look real.

I look over at Loki who's looking at me with a small smile. I grin back at him before stepping into the area. I go over to the pool and bend down to feel the water. I don't even hear Loki as he walks over and without any warning, shoves me into the pool. The blue water surrounds me and goose bumps arise on my skin. The water is so cold it feels scalding hot. I quickly push myself up to the surface.

"What the hell Loki!" I gasp and push away the strand of light blond hair that had fallen in front of my eyes "I could've drowned! What if I didn't know how to swim," Loki smirks down at me.

"Then I would've saved you," he replies calmly, his hands hidden in his pockets. I glare at him and swim back to the shore. Thankfully I was too cold to blush. I swim over to where he's standing and reach out a hand towards him, waiting for his help. He raises an eyebrow at me before complying and grabbing onto my arm. I immediately push against the wall of the pool and pull him into the water. It didn't work. Loki still stood in the exact same spot wearing an annoyed expression. I try again to pull him in. He doesn't budge. I continue pulling his arm but he just gives me a bored look.

"Are you done?" He asks in a monotone voice. I glare up at him.

"I hate you," I grumble and allow him to actually pull me out, which he does with no struggle. Immediately the icey cold air stings my bare skin and I start shivering. "If I had known we were taking a trip to the North Pole I would've worn warmer clothes," I mumble, glaring down at my shorts and cropped shirt. Loki smirks at me and waves his hand in my direction, little wisps of green magic float around my body and before I can react I am suddenly covered in a warm, fluffy jumper and cozy leggings. I feel my body begin to warm up and stare up at Loki in shock.

"What the hell was that?!" I ask. He smirks at me but does not deign to answer me. Instead he walks over to the other side of the cave.

"How about we finally start your lessons, hm?"


I no this is kinda short but I've just had no motivation. I'll try posting more often, but I can't promise anything. Also, I'm pretty sure I've changed Demica's name a couple times, oops. If you find any of these mistakes, please leave a comment so I can fix them. I'll try post the next chapter soon, see ya.

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 ✿ L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now